13 Assassins 8/10
Last 30 minutes takes the movie to different level. Prior to that its a heavy movie with ideologies and etc.
I had started watching it, but then got bored. Will watch again today.
13 Assassins 8/10
Last 30 minutes takes the movie to different level. Prior to that its a heavy movie with ideologies and etc.
This one was good.Pandorum (2009) - 7/10
excellent Sci-fi movie...sound effect was spooky & ending was gr8
Attack the gas station 3rd time.
Always cheers me up!
john carter 5/10.....so disappointed with this movie...saw it in imax 3d & it was boring as hell...was so looking forward to seeing this for almost a year...sigh
wow...really...most of the reviews i read its average at best...what did u so like about this movie?
John Carter really disappointing except that dog like creature i love it
John Carter 3d- 2/10,should have stayed in home,wasted 500 bucks on this $#!t
I watched this one on my birthday and I felt wasted 2 hours on this crap!john carter was horible...saw in imax 3d...waste of money
John Carter 3d- 2/10,should have stayed in home,wasted 500 bucks on this $#!t