Letters from Iwo Jima : Another gem from Clint Eastwood's stable, about a particular battle between Japanese Imperial Army and US soldiers on an island. The only difference is that the story has been told from a Japanese point of view and higlighted that courage, nonour and will are not the monopoly of US forces. The whole narrative is how despite knowing very weel their fate, the small number of soldiers fight and meet their fate.
Honestly, movies dubbed in English ruins the experience, better to watch with subtitles.
Sin City : Quite stylised coimic book story; fun to watch. Not for kids as it has quite a few nodity scenes.
is it dubbed in english or should we go for subtitles which could be a great PITA
Honestly, movies dubbed in English ruins the experience, better to watch with subtitles.
Sin City : Quite stylised coimic book story; fun to watch. Not for kids as it has quite a few nodity scenes.
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