Movies Discussion Thread V1: Ratings and Opinions


Democracy is a myth
which version did u watch, the original german or the english???
I saw d english version, which has Naomi Watts.
I guess Eggman watched d German version, he linked to it.
Running Scared..mmmm isnt this the movie that has record number of Fu*Ks spoken in the entire move.....

But, have u seen this movie? Would like to listen ur comments on it...


I have Yolks not Brains!
MANORAMA SIX FEET UNDER - 6/10 . Different? Yes!!! Outstanding??No..but quite good!!!

Oh, I haven't watched Chinatown yet, and planning to see it. Did I ruin Chinatown for me by watching it first or both are different enough for me to enjoy Chinatown!
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Chillum Baba
A Lot Like Love- I have heard many bad things about Ashton Kutcher. But I have seen only two of his movies. In Butterfly effect he was OK. Even in A Lot Like Love, he and Amanda Peet share a nice chemistry. The movie reminded me of Before Sunset.

Final Destination 1,2,3 - First part was OK. Rest were like Saw series, just for the sake of making the sequelae.

Any good latest Korean recommendation by T or others? Wheres T these days?


Democracy is a myth
Which one running scared?? or Funny Games watched both...... Running Scared is good once worth........Funny Games if you ask me was ok
.......when that remote controll scene came.....I though what the fu* it a movie or some joke......and what was that crap..... of guy looking to the camera and narrating the line anyhow the scens were dragged and I felt the two characters were actually letting them self every other scene they were just giving up so easy......there was no will to survive, infact in times like this human nature brings out evrythign from you which you cant even expect in life[SPOILER END]

..... ....6/10 for me...... seriously there are better movies than this.........cape fear is one that come in to my mind........Kalifornia is another one I remember thouh I have seen it way back..........people who like funny games can give these a try....
I dont know what others have to say about this.......
I too didn't quite like Funny Games but comparing to "The Strangers" its way gr8.
The funny games movie is 20 mins long (extra) and a lot of things are not explained.
But, the guys who acted the Psycho part did very well others suck.
I rated it 7/10 last time.

Hmmmm, would look for ur recommendations...... :)


I have Yolks not Brains!
.......when that remote controll scene came.....I though what the fu* it a movie or some joke......and what was that crap....[SPOILER END]
I think That scene was added to piss off the viewers more! You know, how the Wife gets revenge, and the audience goes "Finally!!!" as one would expect out of a typical movie!!! BUt the sense of relieve was only temporary and false which is bound to piss off people!! Much like the Golf ball rolling scene where the family thinks that The Guys had gone but it was only false and temporary sense of relieve !!! Only here it's the viewer whose emotion was being manipulated by the Guys!!! I kinda liked the scene!!!!


Democracy is a myth
I think That scene was added to piss off the viewers more! You know, how the Wife gets revenge, and the audience goes "Finally!!!" as one would expect out of a typical movie!!! BUt the sense of relieve was only temporary and false which is bound to piss off people!! Much like the Golf ball rolling scene where the family thinks that The Guys had gone but it was only false and temporary sense of relieve !!! Only here it's the viewer whose emotion was being manipulated by the Guys!!! I kinda liked the scene!!!!
I didn't like it.
The drags from the Golf ball rolling scene. I feel just to add two more twists, it longed another 20 mins. It could have been crisp. Kill the gal rather leaving them to irritate us with some stupid scenes.


Aspiring Novelist
I cnt believe you watched this movie now.......well no difference as I watched Ong Bnk now after Choclate actually, :) but seriously missing V for Vendetta seems to be a bigger crime than missing Ong its got such a gritty screen play (not to forget its written by Wachoski Bro) and best of all witty punch lines, pure political investigation keeping the pace at par, I simply loved this movie.
Yeah, I can't believe I left this one out. To be honest there are a lot more that I have yet to watch. But then again, it's never too late to watch good movies, eh? ;-)

The Wachowski's sure do know how to make movies in style. They always have a futuristic vision. I'll try to get it's High def version. Absolutely loved this film.


Violent serenity.
The Pick Of Destiny :- 7/10

Fast and Furious (new one) :- 7.5/10

Friday the 13th :- 7/10

Juno :- 7.5/10
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Democracy is a myth
@Ajayritik, yeh kha, bad mein aur hai......:wink:

Saw series.
The Game
Rear Window
Les Diaboliques (One of d greatest)
Deja Vu
How To Rob A Bank
The Bank Job


@Ajayritik, yeh kha, bad mein aur hai......:wink:
I didn't get you. What do you mean by the above?
Do you have any movies in mind which are like Murder mysteries in which we don't know the killer till end of the movie? something in the lines of Khiladi and Gupt.


Democracy is a myth
I didn't get you. What do you mean by the above?
That line means, "try these, there are more if u want".
Do you have any movies in mind which are like Murder mysteries in which we don't know the killer till end of the movie? something in the lines of Khiladi and Gupt.

All the movies I mentioned are good thriller. But if u want some particular type of movie, then try these from that list,
Les Diaboliques
Deja Vu


Bond, Desi Bond!
I recently bought MX5021 and I was totally terrified when I watched Jurassic Park. Felt like T-Rex was shouting right in front of me. Please recommend some movies that you blow the hell out of me.

My preferrence:

1) Action
2) Musical

I thought these:

1) Jurassic park
2) Start Wars
3) Pirates 1 and 2
4) Transformers
5) Troy
6) Gladiator


Democracy is a myth
Dark Knight
Matrix series (why not?)
School of Rock
Blair Witch Project (again why not)
Bond series (Start from Pierce Brosnan)


Bond, Desi Bond!
ah forgot

TDK was the first movie that I played on these but seriously, I felt that Jurassic Park ws lot better when it came to sound effects.

Let me try Casino Royale and Matrix:)

Thanks for the suggestion. totally forgot about these bond movies.


Aspiring Novelist
I recently bought MX5021 and I was totally terrified when I watched Jurassic Park. Felt like T-Rex was shouting right in front of me. Please recommend some movies that you blow the hell out of me.
If possible try to get the HD versions of the following movies:

Terminator II: Judgement Day II (Director's Cut Edition)
Peter Jackson's King Kong
X-Men Trilogy
Spiderman Trilogy
Transformers (don't miss it under any circumstances)
Rambo IV
Independence Day
Fast & the Furious
2 Fast 2 Furious
Saving Private Ryan
Lord of the Rings Trilogy
Death Race
Die Hard 4.0


Democracy is a myth
Terminator II: Judgement Day II (Director's Cut Edition)
Peter Jackson's King Kong
X-Men Trilogy
Spiderman Trilogy
Saving Private Ryan
Lord of the Rings Trilogy
Die Hard 4.0
Man, how could I forgot those!!!!
All of these movies would just blow u and ur sound system.


Chillum Baba
Just Finished Body Of Lies directed by Ridley Scott. Just three words for this movie AMAZING, AMAZING and F*ckn AMAZING,,,this movie is in the line of Blood Diamond, Departed and The Kingdom......

Unfortunately it didn't live upto my expectations. I was expecting mindblowing stuff from Ridley Scott. I was disappointed. Blood Diamond, The Departed and The Kingdom are way ahead of Body Of Lies. But again, thats just me. Opinions are subjective.

Can't wait to see The Uninvited, remake of Korean The Tale Of Two Sisters. Will post the review if I happen to watch it in next few days.


Chillum Baba
The Uninvited- I guess the script was modified to make it more digestable for Hollywood audience. Nowhere comes near the original The Tale Of Two Sisters, but should be a good watch for first timers who haven't watched the original. Recommended for those who like twistintheend movies.

But frankly, The Tale Of Two Sisters was a work of the genius and hollywood has still not been able to match it.
Posted again:
The Uninvited- I guess the script was modified to make it more digestable for Hollywood audience. Nowhere comes near the original The Tale Of Two Sisters, but should be a good watch for first timers who haven't watched the original. Recommended for those who like twistintheend movies.

But frankly, The Tale Of Two Sisters was a work of the genius and hollywood has still not been able to match it.
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