Violent serenity.
Watching Hostel 2 right now..... paused as mom is near
. Its good till now (watched 50mins).
*SPOILER* There is another possibility that Marion might have written that note.Notice that her dad didn't have much knowledge about high end gadgets.The note read about buying an Atari.His dad didn't even know what Playstation was when Marion spoke about it.Also if you notice Marion had a pen in her hand towards the end.Perhaps she might have wrote it on her father's behalf.This was the same thing discussed on IMDB as well.*SPOILER*/******** Spoiler Alert ****************/
At the end, it seems that Marion dreamt everything (all the events of the film) in coma just after the accident shown at very beginning of the film. However, the cut-scene shown after the end-credits gives a different turn to the movie! Probably, it conveys that they (the family in the car and the lady in the white) were stuck in some sort of limbo until Death came and took them (the black car). In this limbo state, Marion's father might have written that note...
No the lady in the white was in the other car with the baby that the family car hit, she died on the spot so did the family except the daughter. All dreamt their journey to death which was what the movie is ..........the other members were not in the hospital all died there it self except maybe the father, who may be must have written the note but it does not make sense a person would write a note like this at his death bead. Also how did he knew about him becoming grand father .......his daughter did not tell him about that before the accident (atleast thats what is shown in the movie).
I don't know if this one was mentioned before
MUMBAI MERI JAAN- I mean WOW!!! It's a really moving film with some of the finest actors(KK Menon, Irfan Khan, Paresh rawal) giving one of their best performances!! I wish bollywood make some more films like this!!!
KPower Mania, saw your profile, its shocking that it says you're 13 year old, but your posts here, i dont have any words.
You need to see a Psychiatrist, i'm not joking.
Do your parent know about your such movie watching Habbits?
Ofcourse blood and gory are fun in games, but in movies too???
your young mind is turning sick.
Are you being bullied in your school? because i've seen many children like you, majority of them are Bully victims.
Porno flick??? how do you know such BIG words at such age???
Hostel!!!!! i am in my 30's & find it sick to watch that movie even now.
Your parent are not doing good in their job of raising you.
Stop wacthing such movies, kids like you should watch funny cartoons, comedy movies not such gory movies.
Your signature says a lot about your parent or am I mistaken by a fake signature?
The last line "Gaming=Life", at this age THAT gaming should be the one involving PHYSICAL exercices, like play football, cricket, baseball etc. etc. not behind a monitor & keyboard.
As this is Official forum of Digit magazine, i think this kid should not be entertained as such, the members here should not reccomend him such movies.
And Mr. ajaybc, what was that?
He is a CHILD!!!
do you tell such things to your younger brother or sister like that?
this is a very sensitive case.
Admins & Mods should try to contact this child's parent.