When you get to level 5 & If you invest either enough time to get 200 Gold or 200$ (by paypal) to get a Luan Tiger, you can "Naked Hunt" Level 5 mobs
By doing so, you can avoid Exp by not dealing any damage at all as your Pet will do the job and get money and drops.. Thats how players get rich and start saving early for higher tier blue armor
But looters are those people usually level 2s who join their fights, do more damage than the player itself and effectively steal their loot.. Trust me, Those that are in higher clans have a blacklist for looters.. Right when these looters get level 5, their Life is gonna be HELL cuz players can get them executed/Hexed/injured/Silenced from Chat/Debuffed etc..
So looting may sound tempting but not good in the long run
This naked hunting only works for level 5&level 6..cuz higher pets require more money to summon than the money dropped from the killed mob..
So players tend to make the most out of it
I was a naked hunter myself.. I have a luan and level 6.. But I quit playing the game (gave all my armor to friends)
Now all i have on my account is 15 silver and a luan tiger
Btw what profs are u gonna choose ?
If you go Jeweller/Geologist - PROFIT !!!!! (Take this if you wanna go BoneCrusher style armor)
Sorceror/Fisherman - Self Repliant on healing scrolls (Take this if you wanna go for Tank)
Alchemist/Herbologist- Profit+SelfReliance (Take this if you wanna go for dodger)