Mars rover finds first evidence of water - a river of it


We humans are well-versed in our invented technologies! None would've thought we will be flying in air one day - But eventually Wright brothers or someone laid foundation with a parachute.

Whatif we don't have the capacity/technology to detect alien life forms?
Isnt that interesting?
We will never know about that. Sort of riddle in one way. ..haha


Anyways Uranus , neptune are distant planets from Sun so we may not expect the sort of life-form we are looking for.And you don't see any life there becuase , you haven't been there and completely searched the planet. Have you , haha ??

we are a carbon based life form, that means, carbon forms the most important part of our bodies.
now imagine a creature formed of chlorine, silicon, methane. oxygen would be deadly to it. water would just dissolve its structure (like acids do to us). it would prolly look like a cross between a tortoise and a rock. how would you know its "life"?
Interstellar travel takes a lot of time, but you know, there could be ways to overcome that problem. long living species comes to my mind... cryogenic freezing, bending the laws of physics.. etc.

Humans haven't explored Uranus or Neptune completely till now.So you can't say they don't have any sort of life form(in past/future/present) , there is always a possibility.

And If there was water on MARS(in liquid state) ,balanced atmosphere was sort of necessary to hold it in that state.
Also water is a necessity for sustaining life form similiar to our own.With adequate amount of pH value, mineral content , etc.
what balance? you can have water in a world with atmosphere made of noble gases, nitrates, cyanides, etc, its not gonna affect the "balance" in any way.

Btw , who said that water alone is sufficient for known-life-form to exist , atleast I Didn't ??? SOil , Climate, temperature , atmosphere, and a lot other factors play a major role.
I was talking specifically about MARS , since it has many other similiar features alongwith traces of WATER. Maybe you should think think deeply on that.

you were the one who was making dubious assumptions about conditions on mars. nope, neither soil, nor climate are anyway related to finding life. you can find life in arid tundras and hot deserts............

BTW , I read in above posts that you don't like to read about fables of dead planets(or history ) , so please stay away from my comments , since they might talk about fables itself and might hurt your sentiments . :p
And hating history isn't such a good idea Sir.
hate history??

Maybe someday they will across fossils. : p haha

However the question that scratches my brain a lot is that { if there was life on mars , something very sudden and tragic might have happened to force complete extinction }If the change was slow, species should have evolved themselves.
i dont think you quite understand what you are saying.
you make wild assumptions which are nowhere supported by citations or examples.
you trash the very foundations of good honest science to just mishmash something you pulled outta your bum a few moments ago.... thats not the way to do it, dude.

also, inb4 mashing up my comments to take them out of context and using them in the wrong way to do...... *something* (i have no idea what, i stopped trying to understand your posts after the 3rd try)


We humans are well-versed in our invented technologies! None would've thought we will be flying in air one day - But eventually Wright brothers or someone laid foundation with a parachute.

Whatif we don't have the capacity/technology to detect alien life forms?
Isnt that interesting?

yeah, its like a blind man trying to find a white marble from a room filled with thousands of black marbles, using just his touch.


You guys know why humans bodies are majorly made of water? Even i dont know :p.
But there is a reason for believing that there can be life where there is water. But that water has to exist in all 3 of its natural forms. Solid liquid and gas. That indicates that there is a moving cycle of events happening there. The only planets capable of sustaining that naturally were Venus, Earth and Mars. Venus is basically hell becuase of its acidic/extreme greenhouse atmosphere. Earth sustains life. Mars was too small to hold a substantial atmosphere but the main reason its atmosphere is gone, is because of bombardmnet of comets and space debis(or something similar.. forgot now :p). Scientists have found enough evidence that Mars was once a planet very much like what earth is now, before its atmosphere got stripped off. And there are large underground caves near the surface of the planet, from where they have discovered H2S gas emissions (something found in microbials and orgnisms living in volcanic caves and craters). So, they have enough reasons to go there and check. If they can somehow research and regenerate the Martian atmosphere, atleast in some clusters, its very like to be habitable for humans.
We simply dont have the tech to go farther right now with the kind of equipment that we sent to mars. So, mars is the limit for now, but its a bright start. Europa is the only other planetary body where a substance (Methane) exists in all 3 natural forms and there is a very stable atmosphere. Its more than likely that there are methane based life forms on Eupora, but we dont have the tech to go in search of them right now.
All this i saw and learnt in some science documentaries.. so its from my memory and not from knowledge. Please dont hold anything against me :p


^^ its good, except for the fact that H2S is made just be biological means.... volcanic activity too produces large amounts of H2S


Oh sorry. My bad. Its methane again. I saw them some time back.. and dont remember the stuff properly. Methane emissions were found on Mars, just googled it. And the moon i was talking about was Titan, not Europa. :)


King of my own Castle

(at least look at the time before posting)




I totally agree with you. How dare he bump up a post which was hmm one and half month old. After all doesn't a thread die in a month or so. Even if takes 9 to 10 months for rover to reach mars and much more time perhaps years for science to discover things. We should by this time make a new thread every week and close all the old ones preferably.

Afterall haven't the verdict being reached and closed ,there is nothing further to explore in this topic or science to give..err this month perhaps.


King of my own Castle
I totally agree with you. How dare he bump up a post which was hmm one and half month old. After all doesn't a thread die in a month or so. Even if takes 9 to 10 months for rover to reach mars and much more time perhaps years for science to discover things. We should by this time make a new thread every week and close all the old ones preferably.

Afterall haven't the verdict being reached and closed ,there is nothing further to explore in this topic or science to give..err this month perhaps.

My God..sometimes pushing humor through people becomes this difficult. *
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