Man dies after playing Diablo III


I am the master of my Fate.
Obviously anyone will die if playing continuously for 3days without food...though death is because of Mental Trauma..


I don't know how to beleive the fact that someone can cling to a game for 40hr straight.

Btw , did he died of Cardiac Arrest ??


Sith Lord
Staff member
necros are cool, better than a new thread in this case... shows someone has been reading
this danger is very real, thankfully rare, but it is also frightfully easy
as long as games are going to be made, there's gonna be some rare maniac who really gets attracted to it and wants to crack it at all costs
there is no meaning outside the game at this point
by the same logic though, trekking shouldnt be allowed because someone can fall in love with a valley or cliff enough to actually jump off... this is not about excessiveness of gaming, it can happen to anyone who is gaming at any time, even casual players
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