Maharashtra bans beef, 5 years jail, Rs 10,000 fine for possession or sale



Wise Old Owl
for whatever worth some 'really know' about it, giving the issue a communal flavour is unsustainable. or for those some, it may be. :rolleyes:

There are enough reasons to think so ;) Apparently,most leaders are douches allergic to other religions.
BJP's Sadhvi Prachi stirs a new controversy, says asked Hindus to have 4 children, not 40 puppies-PoliticsNews - IBNLive Mobile
India outrage after Hindu leader attacks Mother Teresa motive - BBC News
BJP cracks down on Sakshi for '4 kids' remark
Sadhvi Prachi calls for boycott of Aamir, Shah Rukh and Salman Khan films - The Hindu


The Vagrant Seeker
yes, i understand. then there are the front porch 'perennial provokers' in the likes of the aiyyars, the digvijays, the chowdharys, the shindes et al of 24, Akbar road (though the address would soon change). their utterings and their parent party's/coalition's decisions can/are also viewed in a verily similar perspective. parties change, faces change, behaviour and antics may not, although with different flavours. potholes are there, but we still drive or walk the path fulminating. ;)
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Leave the evolution theory aside,Humans have Flat molars and sharp front teeth ,both characteristics from herbivores and carnivores,which suggests the possibility of being an Omnivore by fate

I have a excerpt of a Post for you...

Cardiologist William C. Roberts hails from the famed cattle state of Texas, but he says this without hesitation: Humans aren't physiologically designed to eat meat. "I think the evidence is pretty clear. If you look at various characteristics of carnivores versus herbivores, it doesn't take a genius to see where humans line up," says Roberts, editor in chief of The American Journal of Cardiology and medical director of the Baylor Heart and Vascular Institute at Baylor University Medical Center in Dallas. © Stephen Kroninger

As further evidence, Roberts cites the carnivore's short intestinal tract, which reaches about three times its body length. An herbivore's intestines are 12 times its body length, and humans are closer to herbivores, he says. Roberts rattles off other similarities between human beings and herbivores. Both get vitamin C from their diets (carnivores make it internally). Both sip water, not lap it up with their tongues. Both cool their bodies by perspiring (carnivores pant).

Human beings and herbivorous animals have little mouths in relation to their head sizes, unlike carnivores, whose big mouths are all the better for "seizing, killing and dismembering prey," argues nutrition specialist Dr. Milton R. Mills, associate director of preventive medicine for the Washington, D.C.-based Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM). People and herbivores extensively chew their food, he says, whereas swallowing food whole is the preferred method of carnivores and omnivores.

Excellent step taken by Government to protect Cows from being brutally killed for taste when we have lots of other vegetarian options available unlike Gulf and Arabs where people have to eat meat for survival.


^ Non-veg food is not only for taste but for making the diet complete/balanced. Weight wise, you get more nutrients in non-veg food.


Talk to the hand!!!
I prefer bacon anyways :)

But still banning would be a bad thing because this would lead to a black market of beef;cue food poisoning or even deaths due to questionable quality meat.
Rather than banning, I feel the market should be regulated such that people don't lose jobs and religious sentiments aren't hurt.


Wise Old Owl
I have a excerpt of a Post for you...

Cardiologist William C. Roberts hails from the famed cattle state of Texas, but he says this without hesitation: Humans aren't physiologically designed to eat meat. "I think the evidence is pretty clear. If you look at various characteristics of carnivores versus herbivores, it doesn't take a genius to see where humans line up," says Roberts, editor in chief of The American Journal of Cardiology and medical director of the Baylor Heart and Vascular Institute at Baylor University Medical Center in Dallas. © Stephen Kroninger
As further evidence, Roberts cites the carnivore's short intestinal tract, which reaches about three times its body length. An herbivore's intestines are 12 times its body length, and humans are closer to herbivores, he says. Roberts rattles off other similarities between human beings and herbivores. Both get vitamin C from their diets (carnivores make it internally). Both sip water, not lap it up with their tongues. Both cool their bodies by perspiring (carnivores pant
uman beings and herbivorous animals have little mouths in relation to their head sizes, unlike carnivores, whose big mouths are all the better for "seizing, killing and dismembering prey," argues nutrition specialist Dr. Milton R. Mills, associate director of preventive medicine for the Washington, D.C.-based Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM). People and herbivores extensively chew their food, he says, whereas swallowing food whole is the preferred method of carnivores and omnivores
Doesn't prove that humans are herbivores ;,"closer" doesnt make them herbivores.Omnivores exibit characteristics of both herbivores /carnivores,so yeah..they might have some similarities.Hen,a carnivore has a smaller head to mouth ratio.Another obvious reason why humans are not herbivores is that they eat meat :)

Excellent step taken by Government to protect Cows from being brutally killed for taste when we have lots of other vegetarian options available unlike Gulf and Arabs where people have to eat meat for survival.
It should be noted that whether this "kindness" towards a specific species is based on religious/factional sentiments.If not you shouldn't be killing a mosquito when it bites you !
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Chosen of the Omnissiah
Excellent step taken by Government to protect Cows from being brutally killed for taste when we have lots of other vegetarian options available unlike Gulf and Arabs where people have to eat meat for survival.
Food is food.

No distinction between a chicken, a cow and a spinach plant. All are edible and life forms.

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you quite well are (still) entitled to your own opinion.
also tell us your opinion.


Destroy Erase Improve
Staff member
Food is food.

No distinction between a chicken, a cow and a spinach plant. All are edible and life forms.

Makes sense.

People who eat non-veg food are still human beings, no different than those who eat veg.


I don't see a problem with that. It should have been implemented much before that.

Do you people have the slightest idea from which money most of the terrorist activities in India are sponsored? It is from selling and exporting beef.

This move would surely curb one of the main sources of that.


The Vagrant Seeker
Food is food.

No distinction between a chicken, a cow and a spinach plant. All are edible and life forms.

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also tell us your opinion.

well, and what's a considerable impediment in including 'humans' too in that menu?!

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I don't see a problem with that. It should have been implemented much before that.

Do you people have the slightest idea from which money most of the terrorist activities in India are sponsored? It is from selling and exporting beef.

This move would surely curb one of the main sources of that.

its somewhat surprising (and still, not much) to see the reactions of people as if some terrible disaster has struck! the law is not something new, and has been in place since 1976. it has only been extended & made stricter. till atleast 2005, courts here have ruled in favour of such decisions, even on total prohibition.

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Ban is not a solution for anything.

may be, may not be. but prohibition is used as a measure to curb use and check proliferation almost everywhere.

though still, this one's not a total ban anyway.


Chosen of the Omnissiah
well, and what's a considerable impediment in including 'humans' too in that menu?!
The reply which I expected. :)

Humans are edible too, if you're a lion. Every species wants to survive. They don't want their 'own' to die i.e. their genes to come to an end. So animals eating their own species is actually very rare.

I'm glad you're vegetarian btw (may be not, I don't care). Because reading your post, I think if you were non-vegetarian, you won't find considerable impediment in eating your own species as well! If you believe in God, he has given you "vivek". Utilize it. Infer from it. If not, teach your next generation to utilize it. If not even this, then please don't stop your next generation from utilizing it.

I can think of numerous logical reasons for preferring vegetarian food. For these reasons, I prefer vegetarian food. But sadly most people's logic will be mostly limited to their myopic faith in religion. Time to come out of the stupid "Cow is holy" / "Pork is unclean" bullshit/pigshit. Food habits are personal.

ohh I forgot to mention, it's not as if every vegnazi khud ugaa ke khaa raha hai (is growing his own food). Tons of pesticides/insecticides are being used, insects and pests being killed. Loss of "life" or should I say cells, or may be recycling of atoms (?) is happening everywhere.

its somewhat surprising (and still, not much) to see the reactions of people as if some terrible disaster has struck! the law is not something new, and has been in place since 1976. it has only been extended & made stricter. till atleast 2005, courts here have ruled in favour of such decisions, even on total prohibition.
so what? should be removed!


Human Spambot
There are evidence that our Ancestors were omnivores too
PLOS ONE: Earliest Porotic Hyperostosis on a 1.5-Million-Year-Old Hominin, Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania

Like [MENTION=128807]Nanducob[/MENTION] said humans teeth are made/designed to eat meat and also Humans stomach has enzymes to dissolve heavy food like meat.
Then why Gastric Acid has fraction of hydrochloric acid.

According to a community, Cows are holy creatures so since current government follows that community strictly they banned it. Dont worry Chicken Goat and sea foods are not holy :p

7 Evidence-Based Health Reasons to Eat Meat

As a statistical analysis for beef industries in USA, the below link makes me dizzy.
USDA ERS - Cattle & Beef: Statistics & Information

BTW I ate beef only once and I wasnt aware its a beef :D


Destroy Erase Improve
Staff member
On counter point, this move makes some sense considering that the desi cow is getting extinct.
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