Mac OS X Leopard “better and faster than Vista”

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Aspiring Novelist
Of course not. Not even close.

(And it is not as easy as he suggests. Plus, even after successful installation, it will be fraught with various issues.)


In the zone
i think its legal--if u do for educational purpose only
i wd install it within 2 weeks--and wd give the updates--
anyway they can be found in torrents and you wd have to use acronis disk manager

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The Devil's Advocate
1. its illegal for any purpose - if u nee find an excuse u can do so ;) but legally speaking it violates laws

2. leopard installation is very tricky as u have to manually patch it, there was a pre-patched version floating but that was a for a very few days and the torrent was pulled down .... may be steve jobs found out and was worried that the whole world wud come to know how crappy the os is :D

please remove the link it might get u banned :)
whatever people say about Apple's OS for their Computer, its still the best thing their machine can have, as a MAC OS is designed to exploit every single electron, proton and neutron in a MAC. And its no use to talk about macs here in this forum, concidering hardly 0.1% of the indian computer enabled population use MACs. They are not even niche.


Aspiring Novelist
It's Mac, short for Macintosh, not MAC. :)

And please stop the discussion that was going on prior to the post above mine. It is against the rules.


Aspiring Novelist
Mac OS X Leopard “fast and sleek”
After putting Leopard through its paces, Dean Takahashi (San Jose Mercury News) finds it is aptly named—”It’s fast and sleek”—and concludes that the latest version of Mac OS X “gives Apple [an] advantage over Microsoft.” It offers “more than 300 new features, making it the biggest upgrade in a long time,” and “a lot of the features allow you to do things more quickly and more easily.” That includes iChat, which, he says, “got a good makeover. Besides doing video chats with the built-in Webcams on Macs, you can now use them to share any kind of file with the person you’re chatting with. You can also take over that friend’s desktop in case you’re diagnosing the machine from afar.”

“Using the computer more pleasurable” with Mac OS X Leopard
“The grace of Leopard’s interface enhancements makes productivity more pleasurable with a Mac, as more than 300 functional and fun features top off this update,” reports Elsa Wenzel ( Awarding it an “Excellent 8 out of 10,” Wenzel maintains that Leopard not only “makes Macs more enticing than Tiger did,” but that it “makes it far easier to find documents and applications than Windows Vista. Leopard’s interface niceties made the daily mechanics of using the computer more pleasurable. Mundane chores, such as finding files and backing up data, become a visual treat.”

“Leopard leaps to new heights”
“What’s new in Leopard? A lot,” say Ken Mingis and Michael DeAgonia ( The pair walk you through a 12-page analysis of the newest version of the Mac OS, spending time on many of the new features introduced in Leopard, including Stacks, Quick Look, Spaces, Time Machine, and numerous others. From Leopard’s “unified interface” to major under-the-hood changes, to wholly new apps, Leopard is a substantial, albeit evolutionary, advance for Mac OS X that builds on a solid foundation and adds a modicum of eye candy to reinforce the notion that this is something new and improved. It’s also fast — especially impressive given the new graphics sprinkled throughout the OS.”


The Devil's Advocate
Why Leopard Isn't Better than Vista

Apple's newest operating system is at best an evolution from predecessor Tiger. Some of the criticisms leveled at Windows Vista apply to Leopard. Seriously.

I bought my copy of Leopard on Saturday from the local Apple Store. Granted, I've only used the software for two days, but it has made a remarkably fast first impression. There is much to like about Leopard, but this cat scratches—oh, am I wounded.

What's bugging me about Leopard is what bugged me about Vista eight months ago:

* Feature or UI changes made without really good reasons

* Application compatibility problems

* Diminished performance compared to the predecessor operating system

* Irksome sense the software shipped before being really ready

I tested Leopard on a MacBook Pro that Apple provided for testing Aperture: 2.4GHz processor, 4GB of RAM, 256MB graphics accelerator and 160GB hard drive. I kept the notebook longer for Leopard testing. No doubt someone will ask for the loaner back as soon this post is passed around Cupertino.

My problems with Leopard started fairly quickly. Apple's pre-Leopard launch marketing exacerbated the problems, because it so increased expectations about those 300 new features. Apple's past practice of delivering more than promised gave some confidence about Leopard. Sure, there are some truly whiz-bang enhancements, with some of the seemingly smallest having big impact (example: users can from the main Spotlight search window type in definitions to find words in the dictionary). But compatibility and performance problems are causing me way too much trouble.

Some quick examples:

* The new Apple Mail can no longer delete messages from my personal domain's IMAP server; they're piling up in the inbox

* Leopard is incompatible with my version of Cisco VPN. I did hunt down a compatible upgrade

* Safari crashes ... often enough

* Outlook Web mail works sometimes in Safari, but usually just hangs; it's A-OK in Firefox

* Internet connection is sluggish and routes slowly (connected through an Apple AirPort router); performance is speedy by comparison on Windows Vista or Tiger

Interface changes add unnecessary complexity to the operating system. Another added complexity: Like Microsoft, Apple has added new and annoying security prompts to the operating system. This morning, I downloaded an updated NewsFire RSS reader and got a warning popup asking if I really wanted to open this application—because it came from the Internet. Maybe Apple's user interface designers should watch their own TV commercials: "Security."

I'm going to give Leopard another day, but already I'm thinking about switching the MacBook Pro back to Tiger. Isn't that a story told and retold about Vista, where people went back to XP? It's a story other Leopard adopters may tell.

My point: Leopard is no better than Vista, in the sense that some—perhaps many—of the same migration complaints and problems apply. Windows' visibility and exponentially large number of applications amplify its complaints. There are more potential problems to have with Windows compared to Mac OS X. Besides, Microsoft is the successful company so many people love to hate. Criticism is easy, and it's frequent.

Leopard's problems would be a whole lot bigger if more businesses used Mac OS X. I'm simply one consumer user. By the way, I had no serious problems (other than Cisco VPN) migrating to Leopard's two predecessors, Panther and Tiger. My user experience, while anecdotal, shows the problems that can come as an operating system adds on features and its supporting ecosystem of software increases. Those 300 new features have their price in increased complexity and compatibility problems.

By the way, Cover Flow is the one Leopard feature I really like. Cover Flow lets me scan through documents without opening them, which is hugely convenient. But the one compelling feature won't be enough to stick with Leopard, particularly if personal and professional e-mail problems persist.

By comparison, Vista's shakedown is largely over. I have little to complain about and lots more to like about Vista than I did in February.
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good... but who cares.. it does not run on a

and vista is $hit any day ... so much resources ?? ( may be next version might be gud* unlikely )
i thought microsoft hired all the best brains..
may be all of them now either in apple or google... or ppl at microsoft are bored...

so its still XP..

unforutunately.. i guess all Apple APIs $uck.. so what's the whole point in being best OS.. lol


Aspiring Novelist
iMav said:
* Diminished performance compared to the predecessor operating system
iMav said:
* Safari crashes ... often enough
iMav said:
* Internet connection is sluggish and routes slowly (connected through an Apple AirPort router); performance is speedy by comparison on Windows Vista or Tiger
I was willing to objectively consider this reviewer's view point despite the website this comes from, all authors and administrators of which seem to have a hard-on for Windows.

But it is impossible for me to do so after reading the three points quoted above. Every single review I've read of Leopard (and I've been reading many of them and for a few months now), including even the most critical ones, universally agree that Leopard is faster and more stable than Tiger on the same hardware and that Safari is screaming fast and stable. I've been using the developer preview builds for a few months now and upgraded to the retail version a day before it was released and I have the exact same opinion. My MacBook Pro feels like a completely different machine. It was very resposive earlier but now it's like it is on steroids or something. Milind will tell you something similar about his two Macs, one of which is a PowerPC Mac.

This "reviewer" is lying, plain and simple. There is no other explanation for it. You can lie to me and fool me about something I have little idea of, but you're on crack if you think you can somehow make me believe whatever you wish to about something I've used far more than you have. The operating system restarts in seventeen freaking seconds. That's not a joke! He started out with an agenda in mind and that was to prove that Vista is better than Leopard. Since he does not have any valid points whatsoever to make, he resorted to the same old FUD we are very familiar with. And of course, like is par for the course, iMav just has to report every piece of bullshit about Apple that ever hits the web. Disgusting.


The Devil's Advocate
aryayush said:
iMav just has to report every piece of bullshit about Apple that ever hits the web. Disgusting.
y u blaming me dude ... i didnt type it i havnt tried leopard yet dont vent ur OS's frustration on me man
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