Mac OS X Leopard “better and faster than Vista”

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Think Zen.
Wah! You miss a post and now you edit to say something else.
What happened to ur so called deal u wanted with aditya?



The Devil's Advocate
the deal's off yaar ... simple :D i didnt miss the post i missed the brackets :D

i read the first link given by u arya .... it says:

nothing revolutionary :lol: we all know that :lol:

and there author also says that it cannot co-exist with os x which is absolutely false and un-necessary fanboyism and partiality towards apple as we both know how false a claim that windows cant co-exist with mac is
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Gonna make it BiG
Well, all we all know...
Be it Leopard or Vista, none of them are revolutionary..
they are simply "evolutionary"


Aspiring Novelist
iMav said:
ur laptop hung 2 times ... my dad's hp never hung in 3 years ...
That is, of course, a plain old lie but you know that there is no way for us to prove you wrong. It is only possible for Windows to go three years (three weeks, even) without hanging even once if it has remained shut down the whole time.

Charan said:
Ho no here we go... :( .. arya pls post all reviews in one single therad.
Can't you see that that is exactly what I did! I do try to learn from my mistakes. :)


The Devil's Advocate
aryayush said:
That is, of course, a plain old lie but you know that there is no way for us to prove you wrong. It is only possible for Windows to go three years (three weeks, even) without hanging even once if it has remained shut down the whole time.

Can't you see that that is exactly what I did! I do try to learn from my mistakes. :)
it didnt else my dad wud have killed me :) my existence is proof enough


where's GX_saurav ???
and After 5th day of installation my XP has became so slow .
switchng to LINUX is kool love this .
But No Os can Beat XP


Jack of all Trades.
hi in my view vista still rocks its far much better than xp n much more powerful
as far as osx is concerned leopard ko to jungle me he rehne do
ha ha .....


Aspiring Novelist
The two and a half years between the debut of Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger and today’s release of 10.5 Leopard feels long, not just because it’s been the longest-ever stretch between major Mac OS X revisions, but also because it’s been an eventful two and a half years.

How eventful? Think about this: When 10.4.0 shipped, it was PowerPC-only; Intel-based Macs existed only in secret Cupertino labs.

There are plenty of other writers who’ve written excellent, top-to-bottom reviews of Leopard as a whole. If you read no other today, read Jason Snell’s at Macworld. (And, of course, stay tuned for John Siracusa’s, coming Sunday at Ars Technica, which will cover not just the new-to-Leopard UI minutia, but also the numerous significant developer-level additions — be prepared for a lot of Leopard-only apps from indie developers in the immediate future.)

My nutshell take is this: I’ve been using Leopard full-time for about three months, and there’s no question it’s a worthy update. Is 10.5.0 truly ready for production use, or would most users be better off waiting for 10.5.1? We’ll see. No one ever got hurt by waiting a week or two to install a new OS. But there’s no question that most of the new features and changes in Leopard are winners. There are some turds, too, but the ratio of improvements-to-regressions is pretty high by my score.

The most significant new feature in Leopard is Time Machine. That’s why the retail packaging and default desktop picture are Time-Machine-flavored, and a few years from now when we’re installing Mac OS X 10.7 Feral Alley Cat, it’s the feature we’ll remember when reminiscing about what was new in 10.5.

The most striking aspect of Time Machine is its UI. When it debuted at WWDC 2006, it immediately faced criticism that it was just downright gimmicky. It is in fact gimmicky, but, I think, that’s actually a good thing in Time Machine’s particular and unique case. Apple has made something so effect-laden and so extraordinary that users want to see it in action — the fact that that something is backups, which, let’s face it, is effectively a chore, is a noteworthy achievement. Making backup software that people can’t wait to try, and which, once activated, just automatically kicks in and does its thing on a regular schedule, is like making people want to go ahead and sign up for life insurance.

The argument for Time Machine’s game-like UI isn’t that it’s more usable, but that more people will use it. That’s actually more important in the case of backup software: there will be data saved that would otherwise have been lost if Time Machine instead sported a more traditional, straightforward visual appearance, because there will be some number of users who will have turned Time Machine on in the first place only because it looks so damn cool. It’s results that matter most, and the result of Time Machine is going to be that more Mac users will be backing up their data regularly than ever before. For some Mac users, who otherwise still wouldn’t be backing up regularly, it’s going to end up being the most important feature Apple has ever added to the Mac OS.

The design of Time Machine is the single most Apple-like thing in Leopard. No way would a UI like this have come from anyone else, including the old pre-return-of-Steve-Jobs Apple Computer — if anything, the old Apple of the 1990’s was more traditional than any other UI design company.

After Time Machine, it’s the little things that stand out most in Leopard. Quick Look, for example, is a joy to use. Just select a file in the Finder and hit the space bar. Boom, you have an instant preview. Hit space again and it goes away. (Apple’s choice of the space bar as the toggle is perfect.) It takes about 30 seconds of playing with Quick Look to wonder how you ever lived without it. Read more...

[Via Daring Fireball]


In the zone
those who want to use mac on xp machine -its easy--download hackintosh--
for education purpose only--it works--u have to download drivers separately--
its nothing but whole os without hardware checker and u would have to install drivers manuall
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