Lots Of Problems: Ubuntu 7.10/6.10 Installation on old system

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Tribal Boy
Do not want to hijack this thread, but 256 + 512 (two RAM modules) MB Ram will be OK for Ubuntu 7.10 ? I mean smooth running of desktop version.


Think Zen.
Hell yes.
What do u think Ubuntu is Vista? :D
For needing gigs of RAM ;)

Ubuntu 7.10 should run smoothly with all compiz effects turned on.



18 Till I Die............
rayraven said:
I think if u select xubuntu-desktop for installation it automatically selects ubuntu-desktop for un-install.
Anyways its better to do this in init3 IMO.

It shouldn't really do this but I believe it's a bug in gutsy which is causing this. AFAICR it was the person nicknamed slytherin on irc.freenode.net #ubuntu-in who had faced this too. Just try asking this there if anyone of you face it.


Think Zen.
Hmm,i dont know.
But i havent used gutsy.
Last i used ubuntu was version 6.06.
And i remember it selecting ubuntu-desktop for removal on selection of xubuntu-desktop for installation.
Might be wrong as it was some time ago.



Wire muncher!
din said:
Do not want to hijack this thread, but 256 + 512 (two RAM modules) MB Ram will be OK for Ubuntu 7.10 ? I mean smooth running of desktop version.
More than enough!

Actually one of my fren runs 7.10 on 256MB DDR (some amount shared for vram), intel 865 comfortable widout compiz fusion. At least with the prev. release hafing GNOME 2.18, he was using beryl without much problems.


Commander in Chief
din said:
Do not want to hijack this thread, but 256 + 512 (two RAM modules) MB Ram will be OK for Ubuntu 7.10 ? I mean smooth running of desktop version.
Like rayraven said. 512 is just enough for a smooth experience. You can enable the Desktop Effects and get all the effects available too. (Depending on your Graphic Chipset)

And it'll all run smooth, right from startup to playing videos, etc and even Shut-down. :))


18 Till I Die............
rayraven said:
Hmm,i dont know.
But i havent used gutsy.
Last i used ubuntu was version 6.06.
And i remember it selecting ubuntu-desktop for removal on selection of xubuntu-desktop for installation.
Might be wrong as it was some time ago.

I had xfcd + kde + gnome + ratpoison + fluxbox + xfwm + gnustep together on 6.10.


in search of myself
So guys what you say Xubuntu 7.10 will work on system with 256 mb ram. I recently installed xubuntu-desktop on ubuntu 7.10 but it is still sucking. Take too long time to start.
Will the standalone xubuntu 7.10 be better or should i settle for some lower version of it .


Think Zen.
Ubuntu is a bit slow on 256 megs as i said before.
And a stock xubuntu install wudnt speed things much either.
If u want a really speedy boot go for a slackware based distro like Vector or Zenwalk.

Btw,did it select ubuntu-desktop for un-install on selecting xubuntu-dekstop for installation?
I'm kinda confused and a clarification would help.



in search of myself
rayraven said:
Btw,did it select ubuntu-desktop for un-install on selecting xubuntu-dekstop for installation?
I am not sure as started installation in the night and found xubuntu installed in the morning :D


18 Till I Die............
This is strange. XFCE was really fast till 7.04 surely. Though the machine I am running it on has 512MB of RAM, but it shouldn't go down drastically with 256MB of RAM.
I am sure of couple of people reporting a welcome change after using xfce on 256MB of RAM.


Think Zen.
Mehulved is right,
I use xfce on 128 megs.
And its darn fast.
But i think CadCrazy's complaining about startup times rather than using xfce.



in search of myself
Guys hurry please suggest me 7.x or 6.x as i am going to download it. My friend will beat me as his system is in my room since last two days

Also @ startup i do nt see the progress bar, the screen turns blank for 2/3 min and then user name screen appears

rayraven said:
Mehulved is right,

But i think CadCrazy's complaining about startup times rather than using xfce.

No not just startup time but xfce is also sucking. Mouse moves very slowly some time stops for a second, choosing menu items all sucks
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Think Zen.
Hmm,Looks like 7.10 needs more than 256 megs.
But 6.06 worked quite smoothly with 256megs if i remember correctly.
You could try install 6.06 as it a LTS edition.

Or if u like to learn and arent afraid of fiddling around,
try something based on slackware.



Wise Old Owl
@ a bit Offtopic: 7.10 installs and uses Compiz by default if it detects supported card? I got a 8600 GT which is supported by Gutsy as per their included driver specs.

never succeeded in using compiz on my 7.04 so far. It goes all white.
My rig is in my siggie. :D


18 Till I Die............
Tech_Wiz said:
@ a bit Offtopic: 7.10 installs and uses Compiz by default if it detects supported card? I got a 8600 GT which is supported by Gutsy as per their included driver specs.

never succeeded in using compiz on my 7.04 so far. It goes all white.
My rig is in my siggie. :D
Did you follow some howto? Maybe from ubuntuguide.org or from help.ubuntu.com?


Wise Old Owl
I checked ubuntu forums for howto enable Compiz.

The command suggested was

compiz --replace

This makes my screen go blank [White] and returns to normal after 15-20 secs.
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