Looking for a space to post jobs!!!

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[FONT=&quot]HI everyone, I am the Recruitment Manager of an IT company and I’m looking for a space to post the vacancies available in our company. I know that there are many places to advertise the job openings but I am looking for reliable service and that is why need your suggestions to find a good site to post jobs.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Your suggestions will be helpful!!![/FONT]


Tribal Boy
There are a lot of sites like monster etc.

But if you want the talented 'ThinkDigit' members, try posting details here :)


Y not open a new section for this thing.
It should be named as " New Jobs " or something like this.

Mods if u r reading , can u plz think into this matter.


There are loads and loads of space to post jobs….as there are more and more people turning to the net to find jobs. My friend owns a Funds Management Firm and he posted the openings at Spam link deletedwhich really gave him a good choice of employees to choose from the applications he received via the site. I think that you can try there and I hope that will not disappoint you.

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wat a good method to spam ..... two posts by diff usernames complimenting each other. Innovative haan ....

P.S. If this is nt a Spam, then i am a Final Sem B.E Student (CSE) looking for a job.


Tribal Boy
Dear jason899 and harvey676

Are you guys Twins by anyway ? ;)

You both joined in April 2008, you both like same font, you both have 3 digits at the end of your usernames, you both finish the sentence with 3 exclamation marks :D

May be you can make a hindi movie out of it - which says -

Hey look at my post in Digit forum, it has 3 exclamation marks

Hey, same with me, whats your name ?

WOW, we are twins who were separated in childhood.

Oh mere Bhai .....

End of movie.


I took some time to realize it, but after going through the posts again, you are 100% correct. What a way of spamming !!!!

ihatesuits - Site is Indian for sure !!!

jason899 and harvey676,

Check this new site - www.we-at-thinkdigit-hate-such-spams.com (don't forget to add three exclamation marks at the end of the this URL)
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