*linuxcommand.org/learning_the_shell.phpWhy do you need to learn the command line anyway? Well, let me tell you a story. Not long ago we had a problem where I used to work. There was a shared drive on one of our file servers that kept getting full. I won't mention that this legacy operating system did not support user quotas; that's another story. But the server kept getting full and stopping people from working. One of the software engineers in our company spent the better part of a day writing a C++ program that would look through the directories of all the users and add up the space they were using and make a listing of the results. Since I was forced to use the legacy OS while I was on the job, I installed a version of the bash shell that works on it. When I heard about the problem, I realized I could do all the work this engineer had done with this single line:
du -s * | sort -nr > $HOME/space_report.txt
4. When all done. Restart xine!# path to RealPlayer codecs
# string, default: /usr/lib/codecs
hitboxx@Mothership:~$ avant-window-navigator
Error: Screen isn't composited. Please run compiz (-fusion) or another compositing manager.
[2]+ Stopped avant-window-navigator
My Gnome version is 2.22, I'm using Linux Mint 4.
Uninstall your Compiz and then see.
Source: *ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=762363Q: There's a big ugly black bar around AWN! How do I get rid of it?
A: You need to be running a compositor like Beryl or Compiz. xcompmgr or xfwm4 may also work, although there are known bugs with each.