@icebags: I know nothing about serials because, we dont have a television at home. Okay, now I have only option - movies. And thanks for the suggestion. I've seen some hindi movies but I have a temptation to include the english subs. Lately, I watched zindagi na milega dobra without the subs, understood nothing but only got the glimpse of the story.!
okay, you have the access to movies and songs. lets start with "zindagi na milega dobra". see, these are the types of sentences and phrases that you will need to get curious about. try to remember them and try to find their meaning and sentence structure. btw, what does "zindagi na milega dobra" mean ? can you explain ?

hindi has some features there....
# hindi is repeatative, you will find same words are being used many times.
# words in hindi are moderately bigger and their sounds are quite distinct.
# mostly, at least in screen, talking is not done in fast pace.
# basinc grammar is not as vast and too is kinda repeating.
if you listen to hindi continuously, you will easily catch many sentences without even having the knowledge. just follow follow the trail then (seek meaning / structure - and don't forget take help of typed lyrics / dialogues), and you will be guide of your own path.
nice advice there,nw hw can someone stand those stupid serials,especially youre a male?

Nice @icebags..!! Thanks for sharing that. Now I can try memorizing Telegu alphabets![]()
you're welcome.
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