Well, I don't have that original SE leather case or something..
I m just using a normal leather pouch...Its got a velvet finish from inside and a classic leather finish from outside...I got it for some 10 to 15 bucks..
It looks like this:
The phone is not at all bulky..
I find this phone to be absolutely fine...
If u are a gr8 msg freak and if u have been using a k750i, then I will surely recommend u this phone..I tried typing something on a k810i and my fingers literally starting paining...especially the thumb...I mean, when u try to press the # key or even 0 key u literally have to spread ur thumb to cover a lot of distance...I compared the 3 phones side by side...The total length of the keypad of k790i and k750i are almost the same..
Whereras that of the k810i is too long...thus it takes some real efforts to reach out to those keys..hehe
In the k790i, they have cramped up the internet shortcut key and the activity menu key wid the general purpose keys...so sometimes u may end up pressing these buttons accidentally...I faced dis problem in da beginnin...but now it doesn't happen 8)
The biggest thing that u'l miss in the k790i is the white LED torch

But there are alternatives to it..
There is an application which simply lets u control the red light as a torch...but that wud be a red light...I've even heard of an application in which, the whole screen turns completely white...sounds freaky...but it can work as a torch

Though I haven't tried any of these apps on my phone yet...

I'd tweaked my k750i and had replaced the loudspeaker and camera drivers...I'd also removed the SMS storage limit...But I don't think I'l be trying such stunts on the k790i..hehe