Is it possible to use others account for my MTNL ADSL?

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Broken In
i have mtnls 400mb/month plan , can i use a friends password username to use his Night plan after 12pm when he does not use it
he gave his account detail to me but i dont know if i can use it or not


I dont think its possible....coz u access the adsl through mtnl line which has a unique phone number dedicated to u. I mean at mtnl side ur configuration is defined for ur phone ur CA number etc. So if u connect by entering some others phone number and CA wont happen coz they r not defined for ur phone line.
Also if they find out......u might end up in jail or a good fine!


Broken In
gary4gar says its possible
If u know how to do it plese tell me
the guy who setup adsl (not mtnl but employed by them) said it is possible
he showed me that in WAN configration I have to press add button then add the
username and password of the second account , well after he went i tried it and it didnt work I ended up screwing my own connection , so i called up 1504 and they were not much help so i reinstalled the router and got my connection running again, phew!

i am not sure of MTNL though I have TRied it with BSNL datone which uses same technogoly.when u dial a connection just one useris & pass of account no.2 if the acount is valid u will be connected


Hmm.....So u have tried.....I think the account that is username=phone no & pass=CA no. are only to get access then and the billing is done on ur line only.
Please tell me if ur adsl mb was still the same after using someone's else user and pass !!


gary4gar said:
it is wan is not cli based netone dialup
yah, gary4gar is dataone, we can just enter another username ans psswrd and surf the net(for DSL only)....but for Netone, which is dial-up, the phone line which u r using has to be the username....

anispace, u can just try to enter ur friends username and psswrd instead of ur user ans psswrd in the same connection...

and to check if ur friends username and psswrd is correct, u can go to the MTNL website and try to get his account details....if u log on correctly, his username and psswrd is correct then


Please tell me if u have actually done it, and if ur accounts adsl mb has reduced after that. I dont think its possible on adsl....yea on dial its a different matter!


Broken In
I did try my friend's usename and password on my pc
well , it didnt work.
I had an AUTHENTICATION FAILURE message in the status column of adsl .
May be it is like the MTNL Expressdial where the username is UR PHONE no and password is mtnl .
Iwas hoping that there must be some setup in WAN so that another account could be used.

i have not done it in MTNL BUt In Datone of bsnl which uses the same technology so say i can be done
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