Internet use 'good for the brain'

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Staff member takes away the long term concentration part.
YES...almost everything you can get for to satisfy your brainy deisires


Sith Lord
Staff member
Read today's mumbai mirror... the you page, something about the internet dumbing youngsters down


Sith Lord
Staff member
yeah... you'll probably get dumbed down reading that stuff... the media fills your head with garbage... I don't want to know who Ranbir Kapoor is dating, hell, I don't want to know he exists, I don't want to know the lyrics of every song in Rock on by heart, I don't want to know every little tomfoolery the Bachans do... but I know all of it, and I cannot forget it.

There should be a format option for the brain


I am the master of my Fate.
Yes see us thinkdigit forum users, we have good brain ;)
Then again, if you use the internet only to watch pr0n, then I do not know how good it is for your brain. I guess it boils down to the utility.

Same opinion....+ doing dat those people will have 3rd sphere in their brain...genrally we have two....

coz human brain has two parts...left & right...
on Left nothing is Right & on Right nothing is Left...:D


I wouldn't say internet use but computer use definitely improves your thinking ability and logical reasoning. But that is only if you use computers for constructive purposes and not just watching pornography. Even playing games is beneficial.
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