Internal Hard disk required


Right off the assembly line
Hi friends, recently my Seagate 250 GB SATA hard disk (about 5 yrs 6 months old) started giving me trouble. First XP started failing to boot randomly and system hanged in between. Then on startup, error become coming as "A disk read error occurred. Press Ctl, Alt,Del to restart. After reseating the SATA IDE cable, the error went away, but system wont boot. So I reinstalled XP. A day went fine then the problem started once again, my computer started to hang during booting. So I replaced SATA IDE cable precautionarily. I also downloaded Seagate disk checking utility Seatools for windows, and when my computer booted properly by chance (it was random), I installed Seatools, and ran tests on my HDD. The HDD failed the tests, and the utility advised me to backup my data, as the hard disk may fail any time.

So here I am. I have to buy a hard disk for my computer, but don't know about the present trends and prices of hard disk. Whether I should look for solid state drives, or conventional (using platters) ones? I don't intend to spend much on this buy. My storage needs were almost fulfilled by my existing 250 GB hard disk, but more storage space will not hurt me, as I intend to use the hard disk upon my future upgrade of my system. I am based at Mumbai, so will prefer name of shop if available and prices. Thanks.

My desktop configuration (if it matters) is :
AMD Athlon 3200+
MSI RS482M4-IL Mobo
Sony DVD Writer
I-ball cabinet with 450 W Power Supply


Right off the assembly line
Wow!! No replies till date....:-o Anyways, I went to Lamington today and found 1TB SATA for 2700 Rs. and 2TB SATA for Rs. 3900/- (WD Caviar Green). So bought the 2 TB one. Didn't install yet, as planning to install windows 7 with this HDD, and need drivers of my mobo (MSI RS482M4-IL) for windows 7. Hope my Mobo supports 2 TB HDD. Regards..


Staff member
It's a 5400 rpm drive. Not good for installing OS but meant for data storage and backup.


Wise Old Owl
Yeah man. Get a 7200 RPM disk for OS and the Capacity Limit issue is at 2.2 TB so I think you will be safe.

Ishu Gupta

Manchester United
Partition length and partition start address are sector values stored as 32-bit quantities. The sector size is fixed at 512 (29) bytes, which implies that either the maximum size of a partition or the maximum start address (both in bytes) cannot exceed 2.19 TB or 2 TiB−512 bytes
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