[India]Kissing event’ register protest against ‘moral policing


meanwhile all on a sudden, jadavpur univ students carried out a mass kissing event on road. Kiss of Love: Inspired by Kerala, Kolkata too joins protest; see details - News Oneindia

seems students are doing a lot of things these days except studying :D

p.s. i think it was open, everybody kissed everybody. :eek:


Staff member
I'm happy the youth are fighting back. In an India that's thinking of having a global impact, we can't have archaic ways of thinking. The idiocy needs to be stamped out, but will it? Our PM says "Make in India" and then praises Khaps. So who knows what the future holds.

All I know is that the more well read and well travelled (internationally) the Indian, the more he/she hates the way things are done here...

Travel is dangerous to prejudice and bigotry.


Wise Old Owl
CHENNAI: A lot of hugs, many, many kisses on many, many cheeks and a few barely glimpsed, fleeting, now seen-now gone pecks on the lips - that is how IIT-Madras’ students registered their protest against the disturbing trend of moral policing in the country.

In what would have been a striking protest had it been held on the crowded beach of the Marina, or the bustling streets of T Nagar perhaps, 70-odd students gathered in front of the Himalaya Mess on their campus, sang songs, made a few speeches and then got up and hugged, kissed and pecked on record their stand on the issue.

But the ‘Celebrating Love’ event was not a ‘protest’, pointed out organisers. “This is not like the ‘Kiss of Love’ protests. That took place to take a stand against the incident in Kochi. We took this opportunity to express solidarity with the protestors. But, this is about celebrating love,” said Arya Prakash, a member of the Chitabar Independent Student Collective, which organised the event.
It's Just Celebration and Expression of Love, Say IIT-Madras Students - The New Indian Express
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