[India]Kissing event’ register protest against ‘moral policing


Human Spambot
Jeez! Don't people have a life or a proper job? Kissing, no kissing, kissing in public, having sex in public, who cares? There should not be a set rule for all these, anyone can do whatever they want!

I for one don't like that exaggeration of kissing of western cultures, why unnecessarily would two persons exchange their saliva is beyond me. Being said that I hate the namaskar **** culture of ours too, bowing down to someone else's feet, good God!

This is the problem right here, everyone thinks their culture is the ultimate one :facepalm:


Kiss - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Vedic texts of ancient India dating ca. 1500 B.C. onwards talk about rubbing noses together.[9] The epic poem Mahabharata mentions mouth-to-mouth kissing.[10] There is a theory that kissing originated in Ancient India and was spread to Greece by Alexander’s conquering armies.[9] Against that theory is the clear mention of deep kissing in Aristophanes’ play The Clouds, which was written ca. 420 BC.

So, kissing may be an Indian culture after all :lol:


Wise Old Owl
Exactly, when was it a custom in India? Are we so desperate that we have to adhere to foreign customs so much? The us people do not do namaskars, do they?

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As per foreign countries, try kissing on the streets of Iran, see where that leads you.
India is not run by religious extremists male chauvinists.
In Iran,You dont necessarily need to kiss, to get jailed,try watching a volleyball match with ur female friends !


Destroy Erase Improve
Staff member
India is a huge culture hodge-podge. We have incorporated so many cultures over the years that it doesn't even matter anymore.

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Fun fact: Do you know that the saree was introduced by Chandragupta Maurya's Greek wife Helen?


Wise Old Owl
Fun fact: Do you know that the saree was introduced by Chandragupta Maurya's Greek wife Helen?
you mean he had a greek wife in the land of kamasutra where people worship gods who have upto 10k wifes?
interesting :rolleyes:

next up is Delhi?
From Kerala to Delhi: Kiss of Love protest moves to capital


Wise Old Owl
The poor love birds failed to do anything today , police already kicked love birds before they can litter

or would have surely today got best lesson of their lives ..

any ways iam against both moral policing and the stupid events like this

judging by your post, you sound more of a moral policing guy ,no need to cover it up it in the last line :lol:

Kerala: Ten government college students suspended for organising “hug of love” | The Indian Express

no hugging also :lol:


Still in war with allies
judging by your post, you sound more of a moral policing guy ,no need to cover it up it in the last line :lol:

Kerala: Ten government college students suspended for organising “hug of love” | The Indian Express

no hugging also :lol:

So you too want a thrashing .... lol

these kisser are nothing but some Jhola-chapp left wingers who don't have anything to do productive in life rather than dharna , hartals and stupid kissing events in short they are burden on nation ..I doubt even they will be from good reputed families
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Wise Old Owl
So you too want a thrashing .... lol

these kisser are nothing but some Jhola-chapp left wingers who don't have anything to do productive in life rather than dharna , hartals and stupid kissing events in short they are burden on nation ..I doubt even they will be from good reputed families

confirmed lol

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You will hav to rethink that when you go out in the streets at night.

what happens then


The Dark Lord
Staff member
I'm happy the youth are fighting back. In an India that's thinking of having a global impact, we can't have archaic ways of thinking. The idiocy needs to be stamped out, but will it? Our PM says "Make in India" and then praises Khaps. So who knows what the future holds.

All I know is that the more well read and well travelled (internationally) the Indian, the more he/she hates the way things are done here...
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