Increased references to India in Hollywood movies/tv shows


Ambassador of Buzz
Has anybody noticed an increase in references to India in Hollywood movies/tv shows ? . Most of these references relate to India being a technological competitor or a significant presence in Asia.

I don't remember each and every case but from the top of my head, I noticed a reference to India in the latest Transformers movie and most recently in Person Of Interest S04E06.

I believe this trend showcases the acceptance of our technological prowess by the world.

Anybody else notice this ?



The Power of x480
Staff member
Oh come on.. Rajesh is given a pathetic role in the big bang theory.
Unless they changed that with later seasons.

That reminds me to watch them soon.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Because India is a 3rd world country.Even North Korea has nukes & ICBMs(longer range than India's missiles) but that doesn't make them a good country.All these increased references are just for the fact that Indian-American community is now the richest & well off amongst all immigrant communities in USA.


Oh come on.. Rajesh is given a pathetic role in the big bang theory.
Unless they changed that with later seasons.

everyone in that show has a pathetic role tbh

except penny, wait, an aspiring actress who ends up as a waitress, okay, that's pathetic too :D


All I notice these days is our neighbour being referred as a terrorist hub.
Everyone knows that the smart ones come from India :D


Human Spambot
everyone in that show has a pathetic role tbh
Really? Jim Parsons is the best TV comedian I have ever seen. I saw Sheen on T&AHM but even an actor of his calibre seems cheap.

@OP: I guess I am the person who don't care. How many actual Americans are in America anyway?

Agree with [MENTION=126812]whitestar_999[/MENTION] though, that India is still a third world country, and it shall be, but not for those nuclear power and stuffs IMHO, our utterly horrid social culture is the culprit, always was.
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In the Zone
In that show rajesh is treated like a lab rat. First he can't talk to women unless he is drunk. when they got tired of it he magically came out of that condition. And then they made him look gay and more like a person who can be used to make fun of by every other character. The show started losing its quality a long time ago.


Ambassador of Buzz
Agree that the show has lost steam but Raj is loved universally. Go to IMDB boards and check ;)


Human Spambot
In that show rajesh is treated like a lab rat. First he can't talk to women unless he is drunk. when they got tired of it he magically came out of that condition. And then they made him look gay and more like a person who can be used to make fun of by every other character. The show started losing its quality a long time ago.
Every show lots its course gradually, TBBT is no exception.

Don't agree with the Raj's part, I mean he is not treated like a lab rat, he is treated like that because of his characteristic. If anyone is a joker there that's Howard, cheap, disgusting, flashy and what not, and if he is like what I see on the backstage shows on YouTube then he seems pretty ****ing racist too. Raj ended up getting the best girlfriend after all :p Indian or not, he still needs to know to act, I mean its not that he is bad or something, but Jim is in a different league of his own, and then I think Melissa is great, Kaley (she is becoming cheap now!) and Mayim (Mayim is better than Kaley now IMHO) following, and to be honest Johnny and Kunaal should come at last for performance. This is my opinion though, I love the show to core.


The Mighty Unkel!!!
Staff member
I hardly realize Raj is a Indian character when watching the show. may be its just me.


The Power of x480
Staff member
I hardly realize Raj is a Indian character when watching the show. may be its just me.

He does talks in Indian accent. And when video chats with his parents, sometimes uses Hindi too.
So he easily look Indian. :p


Ambassador of Buzz
I don't think I created this thread to discuss TBBT.

Does anybody even know, what a third world country is ?


Sith Lord
Staff member
yep the meaning is lost now, third world country originally meant all the non aligned nations, ones that didn't pick between communism and capitalism
by the way, think Indian media refers to India as a third world country more than western media, which calls it an emerging economy or developing nation... at least the respectable publications are careful about this so as not to use a term with ambiguous meaning

but there is lots wrong information, un researched assumptions, or stereotypes. Outsourced is good example of this.

Naboo costumes in Star Wars series definitely inspired by India.

no one mentioned Avengers had a scene where Hulk lands up in Kolkata


N00B Troller
Has anybody noticed an increase in references to India in Hollywood movies/tv shows ? . Most of these references relate to India being a technological competitor or a significant presence in Asia.

I don't remember each and every case but from the top of my head, I noticed a reference to India in the latest Transformers movie and most recently in Person Of Interest S04E06.

I believe this trend showcases the acceptance of our technological prowess by the world.

Anybody else notice this ?


Age of Extinction ... yeah what reference ?

There was a big reference to India in World War Z (2013) , more like a plot point .
The Zombie Outbreak is believed to have begun in India and India was declared a "black hole" at the time when the question was asked by protagonist to get to India .


Super Moderator
Staff member
Person A(from India):I have nukes,ICBMs,chandrayaan & bollywood,what do you have?
Person B(from any under 100 rank country in UN's HDI list):I have toilet.

India tops in open defecation - The Hindu
It is laughable to even consider a country a world power where 597 million people defecate in open.Those who live in mumbai knows this better than others.
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