My cablewala charges Rs 0/- month. Can't beat this.Mahesh Babu said:My cablewaala charges a nominal Rs30/- per month
My cablewala charges Rs 0/- month. Can't beat this.Mahesh Babu said:My cablewaala charges a nominal Rs30/- per month
That's true. Sify does give 11-12 kbps on just a 48kbps connection. Sify is just great IMO. I don't have any problems with it. And i recommend it to everyone.Mahesh Babu said:People are complaining because Sify has applied download limits even on unlimited accounts.But u can take night accounts for downloading.
And also it depends on how good your cable bhayya maintains the network.
But saying Reliance is better than Sify is craap.
U will enjoy better speeds on Sify than on Reliance.
On Reliance u will get speeds of 10-12Kb/s on 256 kbps connection its really horrible.Even on Sify 48kbps pack u will get 12-13KB/s downalod speed.
Delpiero said:That's true. Sify does give 11-12 kbps on just a 48kbps connection. Sify is just great IMO. I don't have any problems with it. And i recommend it to everyone.![]()
armourlength said:Babu,
I am a normal user, but 1st pl check up BSNL and go for the better plans which might suit u.
What the hell will u download worth 1 GB??????
Mahesh Babu said:Dude I can finish off 1GB in 1 day on 256kbps connection.I don't think u downlaod much like movies,songs,games, u are satisfied with that tariff.But for hardcore internet downloaders it is nothing but BULLS#HIT.If they continue the 1GB limit after 30 June then all will say BSNL is BULLS#HIT.And there is no unlimited option in BSNL.
Jags said:the reliablity of sify's internet depends alot upon their last mile i.e. ur local sify service provider (usually cable operator).
sify's internet is divided into two parts:-
1) local gateway (this is maintained by ur local sify service provider)
2) SAM server (maintained by sify)
u will rarely have any problem with the SAM server
(once in a month...max)
but if ur cable operator is an a**hole then no one can help u.
i know this because my cable operator is one.
I have a 12 hr/day connection (9am - 9pm)...but my net breaks down atleast 2 hrs every day.
when i talked to my cable operator he says that he can't do anything as there is no staff during night.
so before going for sify's connection make sure that ur cable operator have a staff that works during night.
and one more thing... the price mentioned on sify's site does not include ur cable operator's maintainence charge...they cud charge anywhere b/w 50-300 RS.
Suppose u r going for 128 night plan..then u will have to pay Rs 400 + maintainence charge.
to know more about sify's internet visit:-
syedaijaz143 said:No Download Limit
Quick Downloads or High speed Download
At Rs 500 per month
You would be needing a Bsnl phone connection for it too. Get the details with them
Shikhar said:I have 128kbps unlimited sify connection.
I know that there is a 150 MB limit on download per day. but i want to know that is it true that you can download unlimited between 10PM to 8AM???