i dare you..provided you have guts......

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Aspiring Novelist
Uh... I was appreciating his initiative to go green and it is quite obvious you do not second that part. :)


back to future
ok peta says not to drink milk..y.??.hav u ever think of that??

lemme tell u..animals in the dairy farms are treated xtreamly bad..they are injected with hormones and other medicines made their bones weaker, sometimes when they walkin by, bones break and they fall down...ok after that noone care abt them, they are facing death in a worser way that i cant tell u... even in india..!!

well iam a veggie, u can guess y..

most of you are orkut members...chk it out..


chk this thread also..

realise folks..whts aroud you...


Evil Genius
@prasad: You know...there was this girl who stayed in our dorms in Australia who was always trying to recruit us for Greenpeace. She was like pucca vegan and she kept asking us to not eat non-veg and stuff too.

Once, she got so damn inspired she decided to join up with her friends and institute a student-organized ban on non-veg food in the dorm kitchens for 1 week. She got a cease and desist order in 2 days...

The point I'm trying to make is, when you start getting all preachy, you MIGHT end up doing more harm than good. For instance, after the aforementioned incident, me and my roommate made it a point to cook beef steaks and have them with a generous helping of pepper sauce while she was having dinner. Nice? Not really...but thats human nature for you.

Chill man...


left this forum longback
being Non-veg is not a sin!.in my state no one cares.may be some Nampoodiris and Iyers,sharmas.thats all.


El mooooo
@faraaz: I just saw the video you linked us to and here are a few reasons why it is aptly named "bullsh!t" because that is what it is...nothing more...nothing less!

1) Patty Strain: All the people like Patty Strain shown in the Video are living lavish life styles with such well groomed animals with them but what about the animals shown in the video posted in first post? Those animals are not to be taken care of? I can also wear awesome clothes and get my pictures clicked with good smelling animals and that would make me an animal saver?

2) Federal Animal Welfare Act: The video puts all the onus of protecting animals on "Federal Animal Welfare Act" but the video posted in first post just shows what kind of protection is being provided to animals. Is this law stopping people from castrating animals without giving them pain killers or marking them? No it is not helping!

3) Animals are not slaves: The video claims that Chickens can not be slaves but has these idiots ever considered any other animals? They just don't want to talk about them!!! I will tell you a real life incident of June last year that I saw myself near Delhi - UP border (Dilshad Garden) and you decide whether animals are slaves or not. I saw this bullock cart with a huge amount of bricks loaded in it and the cart driver was trying to get the cart across the red light. He was continuously and forcefully poking a wooden stick in the rear part of the bullock which forced the animal to move a foot more but it was really difficult for him. Just after going a little more...the animal was on the verge of collapsing and yet the driver kept poking him. Looking at this me along with a few people asked him to stop for a while but he wouldn't agree and asked us to do our job but just after a few seconds the bullock completely collapsed. Now was the time when the driver came in hands of common people...he got such a good thrashing that he will remember it for years to come. Now you decide whether the animal who died on that street was a slave or not? If you think this is an isolated incident then you can't be more wrong...come to northern india and you will see countless similar incidents.

4) Holocaust: The video asks about the difference between holocaust and the bar-be-cue of animals and then makes fun that in holocaust Jews were cremated! Wow!!! What fun...at least their cooked dead bodies were not eaten up...what is worse? I leave it for you to decide.

5) Chickens are stupid...so we should eat them: What a logic!!! Awesome. The video claims that Chickens are stupid so we should eat them. Does this mean that any living being with lower IQ then normal human beings needs to be eaten up...I just wonder what they will say next about Down's syndrome victims. They are stupid...its ok to eat them?

6) Don't blow my kitchen if you don't like my lunch: The video tells us that everyone has a right to eat what they want and no one should object but is that how we are going to live in this world? If this is it...then I just wish best of luck to all the cannibals in this world. They just got certificate of eating humans from these two idiots. After all...other humans are lunch for cannibals...so we vanquish all our rights of complaining?

7) The hunter does not care where the meat comes from: There is a hunter shown in the video who proudly claims that he doesn't care where the meat comes from..."its their need" and then in later part even talks about his kids' protection. Any one tried to hear a Lion's or Tiger's part about the same matter. If the Lion says that he doesn't care where the meat comes from and wants to eat a human...what will we call him? A barbarian? A monster? Why are us humans different then?

8) No Pets: Even though the video takes lots of comments out of context (it just shows!!!) but I just loved this part. The guy in the video claimed that the founder of the PETA says that no one should keep pets and then even tries to make us listen to it "Straight from the horse's mouth". Then they have put a phrase from founder's speech in support of their claim. I have noted down the part of the founder's speech word-by-word. Here is what she says
Animals are not ours to eat...not ours to wear...not ours to experiment or not ours to exploit in any which way
I wonder where she said we should not keep pets. Just proves what kind of pea brain the people behind the video are!

9) Rodney Coronado: They talked about Rodney Coronado and ALF in the video for almost 8 minutes...can you believe it? In a video of 30 minutes...they talk for 8 FRIGGING MINUTES about a single guy but they devoted less than 15 seconds for talking about cruelty to animals and swept the matter away by putting the onus on Federal Act. Can we call the video unbiased? When the core issue is missing...is the video worth giving any heed to? I leave the decision to you.

10) 1325 Animals euthanised: The video claims that PETA euthanised 1325 animals and then tells us how wrong it is!!! Wow! I am just guessing that these guys never had a pet. Anyone who has ever had even a single pet in their lives would know what kind of pain you yourself go through when you see your pet going through pain. It just becomes unbearable. How can they even compare euthansia to killing for eating or fun. This is just ridiculous.

11) Bio-medical research: Ok I agree that bio-medical research is necessary but are the companies following the laid down laws? No they are not and that is why you will never be allowed to go and give a sudden vigilant visit to a companies labs. It is just not allowed for "security reasons". Also, where does this research stop anyways? Now the scientists want to grow human parts in labs using stem cell research. The reasoning we are giving for animals today will be given for humans in a few years...will that be accepted as well? Have we become totally emotionless?

Such videos are cheap shots and people really need to think what they are doing. I am not a PETA supporter...follower or anything. Hell I was eating meat myself some years ago but this video is just making fun of our common sense.

In the end...just tell me...why are human rights more valued to us then animals? Are we actually the superior race or worse then the lowest parasites that don't care about anything but itself?


Evil Genius
I notice you didn't say anything about PETA financing the arsonist who was responsible for destroying those bio-facilities where animal testing was taking place.

Mate, end of the day, animals are animals, humans are humans. Fix humans first before you jump to animals. So keen to protect cruelty means go to Africa and volunteer with UNICEF and WHO...

Every can be an armchair martyr...get out there and do something, then talk.

As far as the video is concerned, I'm afraid your first problem is the fact that you saw it with a preconceived agenda that you will nitpick throughout the whole thing and find all the faults you can in it instead of actually paying attention to what its trying to show you. That PETA is a piece of crap.

If you want to be an animal rights activist, by all means, go for it...but PETA itself is a bad organization. If you agree with me on this one point, then you and I both have the same basic opinion about the video...

Edit: "In the end...just tell me...why are human rights more valued to us then animals? Are we actually the superior race or worse then the lowest parasites that don't care about anything but itself?"

If I really have to explain this to you, I just wasted 3 mins of my life typing out this response.


Aspiring Novelist
Seriously eddie, I respect you for this post. This one post alone will now make me think twice whenever I think of opposing something you say. Bravo! :)

I certainly do not have as much knowledge as eddie seems to have nor did I watch that 'Bullshit' (that's an accurately titled video if ever there was one!) thing with as much concentration. But I can tell you this, I've watched both videos and you can randomly show them to me any day and the first video and its message will always make more sense to me. In fact, even in the bullshit video, the fifteen seconds or so that they have shown the animal cruelty videos of PeTA evoked much more stimulus in me than the rest of the (non-funny) video did. It is just crap.

I know that non-vegetarian eaters won't give up on it even if they parents told them to, but please do not try to justify it as being the correct thing to do. Eating animals is a heinous crime and will remain so.


El mooooo
faraaz said:
I notice you didn't say anything about PETA financing the arsonist who was responsible for destroying those bio-facilities where animal testing was taking place.
People say many things about lots of rebels and extremists but no one wants to look at the core issues. We are already discussing about North-East India in this very forum. Can we tag every one opposing an oppression...wrong? I did not want to tag the arsonist wrong because we do not know what was happening in that "bio-facility". Are you sure everything good was happening in there?
Mate, end of the day, animals are animals, humans are humans. Fix humans first before you jump to animals. So keen to protect cruelty means go to Africa and volunteer with UNICEF and WHO...
As far as fixing humans are concerned...I guess you are one of those people who has never volunteered in any process near your home? You don't need to go to Africa/UNICEF/WHO to make a change...you can do things right in your neighborhood. People use these huge names when they have nothing better to do. Also, while helping humans...I can also help animals...I am already doing my part by going completely veg...what are you doing?
Every can be an armchair martyr...get out there and do something, then talk.
Arm chair martyrs are actually making a difference these days. Do you realise that recent OBC quota issue was helped a long way by the bloggers? Tagging someone as arm chair martyr is the lowest thing you can do in an online debate...and sorry to say but you just reached that stage.
As far as the video is concerned, I'm afraid your first problem is the fact that you saw it with a preconceived agenda that you will nitpick throughout the whole thing and find all the faults you can in it instead of actually paying attention to what its trying to show you. That PETA is a piece of crap.
A video with its basics wrong is trying to give me a message. What should I look at? The basics or the bigger picture? I am the one who likes to look at basics...you are entitled to look at what is comfortable for you.
If you want to be an animal rights activist, by all means, go for it...but PETA itself is a bad organization. If you agree with me on this one point, then you and I both have the same basic opinion about the video...
Tagging PETA as a "bad organization" on the basis of that bullsh!t video is simply not possible for me. Sorry to disappoint you.
If I really have to explain this to you, I just wasted 3 mins of my life typing out this response.
You have shown in this thread that you hardly care about anyone but you...and any "Human Being" who has this attitude is not wasting 3 or 10 or 20 mins of his life. He/She is actually wasting the whole life.

aryayush said:
Seriously eddie, I respect you for this post. This one post alone will now make me think twice whenever I think of opposing something you say. Bravo! :)
Thanks a lot for the kind words :)
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Aspiring Novelist
eddie said:
any "Human Being" who has this attitude is not wasting 3 or 10 or 20 mins of his life. He/She is actually wasting the whole life.
That is called jumping on an opportunity and making good use of words. :D

I know that the people behind PeTA must have some sort of political or even personal gain in mind behind whatever they are doing. But that does not change the fact that the are fighting for the right cause and even if the organisation is full of corrupt people (which I do not believe it is), their pleas if heard and acted out will prevent the inhuman torture and slaughter of millions of animals all over the globe.

Unfortunately, I have no hope that it will ever happen. :(


Wire muncher!
faraaz said:
Mate, end of the day, animals are animals, humans are humans.
i'd say.. humans are also animals but humans are the most selfish and worst form of animals!

faraaz said:
As far as the video is concerned, I'm afraid your first problem is the fact that you saw it with a preconceived agenda that you will nitpick throughout the whole thing and find all the faults you can in it instead of actually paying attention to what its trying to show you.
even i saw the whole video and the things shown there appear to be pure bullsh!t... it is aptly titled!

faraaz said:
but PETA itself is a bad organization. If you agree with me on this one point,
i agree to this point of urs....... however, the cruelty towards animals is someting which can't be denied. they may exaggerate somethings... but what is true can't be denied!

faraaz said:
, then you and I both have the same basic opinion about the video...
but i dun agree wid this. and i haf no reason to agree to it. the video is as crap as peta and the supplements given there are really lame!

faraaz said:
Edit: "In the end...just tell me...why are human rights more valued to us then animals? Are we actually the superior race or worse then the lowest parasites that don't care about anything but itself?"

If I really have to explain this to you, I just wasted 3 mins of my life typing out this response.

there u haf it.. u correctly said, animals are animals and humans are humans!! there can be no worser and meaner species than humans!!!

you've nicely put up all the points! :)


Evil Genius
@eddie: For your information, I've been a volunteer with PRAY and YFS for the last 2 years...so yeah, I AM making a difference within my capacity. So insofar as you've put me down about that, I demand an apology.

*www.youthforseva.org/ (The website isn't much really but its more in rural areas)

As for the rest of you who are putting humans down and defending animals...let me just tell you this. Walk down to the nearest slum from your house, find a kid and tell him/her that since they are a selfish and mean species, they deserve to suffer from poverty, malnutrition and lack of health care. I'm sure they will be very understanding.


Senior Member
@eddie:well said...you have put a lot of efforts into that post...

Mate, end of the day, animals are animals, humans are humans. Fix humans first before you jump to animals. So keen to protect cruelty means go to Africa and volunteer with UNICEF and WHO...

well, the problem in african countries cannot be solved. they will live like that forever... + there is corrpution from head to toe...+ islamic terrorism is another reason for violence in some african countries..humans cannot be fixed...there will always be trouble makers...

and what do you mean by "animals are animals, humans are humans" ???
man is also an animal...we are more intelligent animals, thats all...


Evil Genius
@nix: refer to my post above as to the difference between animals and humans. All this man is also an animal talk is TECHNICALITY! And intelligence is not the only distinguishing factor. Man is different from all other forms of life on earth because they have a sense of morality and a conscience, which is not true for any other animal. But then again, that is irrelevant to this thread.


El mooooo
faraaz said:
I demand an apology.
LOL!!! After calling me an Arm Chair martyr without knowing my real life you have the guts to ask for an apology? Get real...think and introspect before you speak something lest it comes back to you very strongly.
Walk down to the nearest slum from your house, find a kid and tell him/her that since they are a selfish and mean species, they deserve to suffer from poverty, malnutrition and lack of health care. I'm sure they will be very understanding.
We might not need to say all this to a poor kid but we can surely say that to a fat and obese rich man suffering with severe angina who has been gorging on flesh of innocent animals.


Aspiring Novelist
faraaz said:
Man is different from all other forms of life on earth because they have a sense of morality and a conscience
Exactly. And non-vegetarian people have a very limited amount of those virtues, if at all.


Evil Genius
I do because you have the guts to tell me I'm wasting my life, which is more than I can say in your case.

Edit: @aryayush: You are seriously going to discount any/all contributions made to society by people who are willing to eat meat based ONLY on their culinary choices? That's a bit harsh, don't you think?


Senior Member
does your "sense of morality" tell you its OK to torture innocent animals? , just because they dont have the sense of morality, doesnt mean you can kill em...


El mooooo
I have no intention of saying anything about what you are doing with your life...I am talking about a "Human Being" with the kind of attitude you showed in this thread. If you have that attitude in real life and you ARE a "Human Being" then the statement applies to you and I don't see any reason to apologise. On the other hand if any of the two conditions does not apply to you then you don't fit in the category and I don't need to apologise again.


Evil Genius
Refer to my first post in the thread...I don't have to justify my food habits to anyone, but when you start saying stuff about my humanity and morals and things like that...well...there's this saying about a mountain and a molehill...

faraaz said:
I saw the video...and meh...not saying I support it, but I am a thorough non-veg eater.

Frankly, there are less cruel ways of getting meat for food and if I were to find out that the meat I buy comes from a joint like this, I'd buy it some place else. Having said that...you really cant afford to be a non-vegetarian and be squeamish about stuff like this.
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