HTML help!!!

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MMO Addict
I seriously do not get how his post offended you! You need to chill.

Second, I do not see anything over complicated in his HTML source except javascript which he used to verify flash in user's system. I do agree he could have used single instance of that piece of javascript instead of repeating every places he used flash. Apart from that, I did not have any difficulties in understanding the HTML part. BTW you need to get over of frontpage n use better web authorizing tools.. IMHO Dreamweaver CS3

You have not used any significant amount of flash. Instead of using flash text, you could do the same in photoshop and use image. That way you can get rid of the javascript.


हॉर्न ओके प्लीज़
@Amitava, he probably made a typo and included a not in one of his sentences which changed the meaning of what he said. Now he has edited and removed it. So you are not seeing it that way :) Now neither do I see it that way as I saw earlier.

And yeah, I have already sent an apology through email if he really did not mean it that way!


MMO Addict
Well, as far as I remember there was no "not" in there. Because I read that post twice n gone through his website source after reading your hot reply. And that time the post was not edited. Also if you put a "not" in that line, the sentence does not make much sense.. anyway.. thats my opinion. :)


हॉर्न ओके प्लीज़
Well, as far as I remember there was no "not" in there. Because I read that post twice n gone through his website source after reading your hot reply. And that time the post was not edited. Also if you put a "not" in that line, the sentence does not make much sense.. anyway.. thats my opinion. :)
Whatever, it did hurt me bad and thats why I responded that badly. and there was a not! Because that triggered my anger! nothing else


Unmountable Boot Volume
Whatever, it did hurt me bad and thats why I responded that badly. and there was a not! Because that triggered my anger! nothing else

Yes, I made a typo, I didn't see it till I went over the post to check what was offensive in it.. I had by mistake typed didn't instead of did. I guess I was the one who was drunk then :D

Anyways, sorry if you got it wrong.. but honestly, you are the one who showed me the <div id="wrapper"> part which I edited in .css file to get things in place.

And about the "didn't work out quite well" honestly is a statement used to politely send across the message that "that's really not how I would have liked it" and it certainly does not mean "it didn't work you moron"

Also if you put a "not" in that line, the sentence does not make much sense.. anyway.. thats my opinion.

Rightly said, the sentence structure doesn't make sense. but yes, there was a typo.

Hope the air is clear now.. thanks once again.


Staff member

Better check ur website in all browser, i can see some variations in the layout
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