How to install a ".bin" (executable file) in SuSE 9.1?

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Stabbing my shoe
Hi! frnds,
I recently downloaded the RealPlayer GOLD latest version from
Now, how do I install it in SuSE 9.1? I double click on it but nothing happens.. In FC3 it got installed easily. What's wrong here.. The old RealPlayer (installed during installation of SuSE 9.1 Personal)
What do I do??


Commander in Chief
See this :

better download an rpm version as it will be easier to install...


Commander in Chief
try this
in the folder konsole type
and follow the instructions

else, please ensure that the file is executable by setting that in the propertier/permissions (a check box)


Stabbing my shoe
I succeeded

Thnx for the help but I jsut double clicked it a couple of times and then I saw a folder called RealPlayer in my "HOme" folder. Then, I just put a shortcut of "realplay" on my desktop and its working fine..


U didnt specified th file type!
1. If its rpm then install it with "yum"
2. If its tar file then extract the contents to some folder go to that folder type "./configure" -> "make" -> "make install "
3. if its a bin or sh file then type "./filename"

Vishal Gupta

Microsoft MVP
Same problem I'm facing with Firefox installer.
The main problem is that SUSE doesnt start installing a BIN file by double-clicking on it. Nothing happens when we double-click on a BIN file. It works when we use Red Hat or FC.
And it doesnt allow installing BIN files by command "./<file_name>"...
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