How much time do you spend on TDF on an average.

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The unbalanced nature of my involvement can be judged by the fact, that I havn't stood up from the chair, on which I sat at 9 pm. And my mom is screaming me to have a hair cut, and to bath ()
And I thought I was alone :D


Legend Never Ends
sujoyp said:
3. Are you able to balance your lifestyle in this Amazing world of TDF and the Real world?

Yes perfectly...although people always ask me what do I do in this forum
same here :)


The Power of x480
Staff member
Oh! And I totally forgot to share another thing which is impacting due to my increased addiction to TDF:

I am unable to read digit magazine! Yeah, still have to start March issue. April issue is still packed. And May issue have just arrived yesterday! :(
Now this is serious, isn't?


Oh! And I totally forgot to share another thing which is impacting due to my increased addiction to TDF:

I am unable to read digit magazine! Yeah, still have to start March issue. April issue is still packed. And May issue have just arrived yesterday! :(
Now this is serious, isn't?
And here every second feels like an year after finishing each digit issue.


New Voyage
1. How much time do you spend on TDF.
In an average 3hrs
2. Do you think, you are spending more time than you should, OR giving less time than you want to give.
No, still i want to indulge in more activities as am newbie to this forum!
3. Are you able to balance your lifestyle in this Amazing world of TDF and the Real world?


Cyborg Agent
focus whats imp in life. TDF is still virtual. gain knowledge , help others. but 1st decide whats your priority. TDF or your personal work


East aur West TDF is the Best.

but i miss old TDF... :( .. old active members...


Ya missing old friends from TDF I feel very SAD :sad: sometimes.
Lost many good and wonderful OLD TDF friends...

1. How much time do you spend on TDF.

Not much, just returned here to light the old memories.

2. Do you think, you are spending more time than you should, OR giving less time than you want to give.


3. Are you able to balance your lifestyle in this Amazing world of TDF and the Real world?

Yes Ofcourse


In the Zone
How much time I spend here?

Enough for my girlfriend to have threatened to leave me.

thats kinda serious issue you got there ....dude:D

well i am not sure abt how much time i spend here...but i checkout the forums for like 4-5 times a day.

All i can say is thinkdigit forum is the only Indian forum i came across with friendly members around :smile:


Excessive happiness
thats kinda serious issue you got there ....dude:D

well i am not sure abt how much time i spend here...but i checkout the forums for like 4-5 times a day.

All i can say is thinkdigit forum is the only Indian forum i came across with friendly members around :smile:

I agree this.


Human Spambot
1. How much time do you spend on TDF.
3-4 hours/day.
2. Do you think, you are spending more time than you should, OR giving less time than you want to give.
Its sufficient enough
3. Are you able to balance your lifestyle in this Amazing world of TDF and the Real world?
no probs


Human Spambot
I check it 3 times per day (Afternoon, Eve & late night), all lasts for 10-15 mins. So in total it's about 45 mins or less :))
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