How do i make my blog better and Popular?



Firecracker to the moon
I Like the clean and simple Layout of your blog.
Well How did you make the Date "April 16" etc look like a calender type?.
Well nice website :) .Did you use HTML etc?


Staff member
I Like the clean and simple Layout of your blog.
Well How did you make the Date "April 16" etc look like a calender type?.
Well nice website :) .Did you use HTML etc?


I had a complete post for various CSS tricks but that blog is scraped off now. Started anew with bits and pieces from past.

thanks but i wll have to make a new blog for that?

If you are seriously thinking of starting a blog for the greater benefit of others and you then better be installing wordpress on a paid hosting.


Staff member
well..then better learn guitar or something instead of making generic posts in blog. Or better make posts about what you are learning.


Firecracker to the moon
Ill be posting my photoshop work and koolent(A.K.A kush) might start posting Tech/Modding posts


Master KOD3R
I totally agree, learn some guitar, will get you lots of babes in college whatsoever.
Lol, Don't get his hopes high :lol::wink:

I agree on content. A blog needs readers/viewers. And readers/viewers need something worthwhile to read/view.

I'd suggest you go wordpress too. Personally, I find using CMS like Wordpress, Drupal, Joomla too restrictive for myself. But maybe you can have a go at them to see if they suit your need.


Master KOD3R
Please, get your own domain...

Not entirely true, per se. Having your own domain will get you on Google but not get you enough hits. The thing required is visitors. If the OP has an ample flow of visitors then he can maybe upgrade to a personal domain with the required bandwidth, but at this moment he needs to learn the basics of proper layout, interesting content and the services of CMS.

I wouldn't recommend him to get his own domain just to feature on Google using a myriad of keywords (think SEO) which have as much to do with the website/blog as the President of Tasmania. But once he's past that point where ample users visitor his blog and the bandwidth stats to clog, it's mandatory to get a domain a la a professional blogger.


~Bulletproof Monk~
Not entirely true, per se. Having your own domain will get you on Google but not get you enough hits. The thing required is visitors. If the OP has an ample flow of visitors then he can maybe upgrade to a personal domain with the required bandwidth, but at this moment he needs to learn the basics of proper layout, interesting content and the services of CMS.

I wouldn't recommend him to get his own domain just to feature on Google using a myriad of keywords (think SEO) which have as much to do with the website/blog as the President of Tasmania. But once he's past that point where ample users visitor his blog and the bandwidth stats to clog, it's mandatory to get a domain a la a professional blogger.

You forget the basic rule mate.
He/She's at the mercy of Google, if Google decides to close his/her blog, he/she is done!

Having his/her own domain provides total control, will be able to see how much traffic he/she gets, in short he/she will be having the steering wheel in his/her hand rather than sitting on the backseat.

This is what I have learned after a few incidents of going with the 'free' sites.


Firecracker to the moon
Well to make my own site. I need to learn Html,css etc which i doubt.
Well how do i change my present blog theme..with wordpress themes
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