How do i make my blog better and Popular?


~Bulletproof Monk~
Well to make my own site. I need to learn Html,css etc which i doubt.
Not really, there are ready made scripts available.
Just install and do minor customizations (I don't know how to code in html, yet I can produce beautiful sites ;) )
Just read about wordpress, installing php scripts and you will be good to go.
But you need to pay the money for a domain and hosting, that does not come free ;)

Well how do i change my present blog theme..with wordpress themes

Your blog is based on 'blogspot' and not 'wordpress', its as good as saying "How do I add a Mercedes tyre to a BMW?

Blogspot has themes inside it (Its long since I used it, but am sure they provide some basic themes to toy with.


like i said, google search how to "INSTALL" wordpress on a server

buy a cheap webhosting plan , ask your parents to pay for it... 1000-2000 RS a year is nothing when it comes to this, the knowledge gained is of immense value..
am sure you would have spent crazy on toys, games and what not. is a nice place to start... This is the website where I got my first domain/hosting. Call them on PHONE and tell that you are student starting out and ask for DISCOUNT.
Website hosting services, web site hosting, affordable web hosting in India.


~Bulletproof Monk~
like i said, google search how to "INSTALL" wordpress on a server

buy a cheap webhosting plan , ask your parents to pay for it... 1000-2000 RS a year is nothing when it comes to this, the knowledge gained is of immense value..
am sure you would have spent crazy on toys, games and what not. is a nice place to start... This is the website where I got my first domain/hosting. Call them on PHONE and tell that you are student starting out and ask for DISCOUNT.
Website hosting services, web site hosting, affordable web hosting in India.

I swear on anyone you name 'never' host with an Indian webhost.
Even is rubbish, they dupe noobs, better go for a host thats legit, reliable and has a proven track record - *

If the server is based in India, you'll be paying a pretty good amount for nothing....


no but ewebguru is actually good, the owner of that company used to post here on tdf, te etc. And its a good basic hosting for starters, he resells hostgator i believe, and all his servers are in US obviously.
however now i have massive dedicated servers from ovh ;)


~Bulletproof Monk~
no but ewebguru is actually good, the owner of that company used to post here on tdf, te etc. And its a good basic hosting for starters, he resells hostgator i believe, and all his servers are in US obviously.
however now i have massive dedicated servers from ovh ;)

Fishy eh!?

@serpent - Get a better Logo....


Firecracker to the moon
What does this mean
- Contact address incorrect, incomplete or not provided

Im not gettin Google Adsense ads in my website due to this


~Bulletproof Monk~
What does this mean
- Contact address incorrect, incomplete or not provided

Im not gettin Google Adsense ads in my website due to this

I have adblocker installed, so I didn't see any ads.
Did you verify your adsense account with the PIN Google sends to your postal address?

The comment I meant was technical, not for you ;)
Please get a better logo.


K.. I am a friend of his and he hired me to post for free.. :p

Friends check out what I have posted about MSI HD 7970 Lightning and tell how is it..


Ya sure bt when I reach home.. Travelling to Vaishnav devi ryt nw.. Then will travel home through delhi.....


Resistance is Futile.
Can you stick to one freaking font and a simple black text instead of the multi-colour crap :|

Also, publishing you phone number. Not a good idea.


Firecracker to the moon
^^ I dint write that ;).Its Koolent

Guys can i apply for Adsense From Another Gmail-id for the same blog?As this id is saying contact adress is wrong and got disapproved


In the Zone
The most effective way to make your blog popular as well as to increase visitors is by going through other blogs and leaving a comment on articles that get published in those blogs. While writing comments make sure you are actually making a useful statement like providing more info on the topic of that article and how it could be improved.( Don't just go and write comments like "good work" , Nice article" etc :D) . If your blog has useful contents then eventually your blog will get popular by this method. :)


Firecracker to the moon
Guys can i apply for Adsense From Another Gmail-id for the same blog?As this id is saying contact adress is wrong and got disapproved


The only way is the way of great posts and content...

you can try applying through different gmail id, but your understanding of computer algorithms is very bad man. fooling google is extremely difficult.. more so in adsense and adwords registration..

i checked your blog all the articles too...
comic sans and colorful fonts ? seriously ? are you a confused teenage girl ?
nothing new also, all that you posted same stuff i can find it better else where on the web, the movie review, overview of Hyderabad, MSI review etc.. what's new there..? or how did you make it more interesting or entertaining ?
this is not going to make your blog popular and get you a fan following.

put something interesting in next article, lets see.. do your research first btw.
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Super Moderator
Staff member
I'll be honest when I say this - your blog sucks.

Give it a rest for the time being. Learn some serious stuff over 6 months - as in anything.

Then start to write.

Currently it is nothing more then a "yay! let me start a blog".

And what's with bothering about AdSense when you don't even have the content?


In the zone
MSI article was OK..... You need to up the quality of content in ur blog for now.
Good effort anyway for a teenage 1st timer...

People will appreciate ur work if its unique... try to make the content more exclusive... you cud put up some kickass gameplay videos or some product/software reviews that give us information that cant be easily found or cant be found at all then people shud probably be interested.... Njoi! :)
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