Help with using Ubuntu 7.04

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You gave been GXified
Well, I just installed Ubuntu in VMWare & using it to type this messege right now. So far, it looks much like version 6.10. Here are few things I need help with

1) How to make a network share in Ubuntu & WIndows?

I have shared a folder using VMWare in Ubuntu & WIndows so that i can copy paste files between WIndows & ubuntu. Now in another VM Of WIndows XP the shared folder is easliy accisible, how to do it in Ubuntu?

2) I want to bring my firefox settings to Linux. For this i can simply copy the WIndows profiles folder to linux & it should work, right? So where is the profiles folder saves in Linux for firefox?

3) I need a password Manager for Ubuntu.

Actully if I can share files among WIndows & Linux in VMware I can just bring old things to Ubuntu straight.

More to come, someone plz help me in making a network share between Ubuntu & WIndows Vista\XP

OK I installed a password manager. KeypassX & the package was .deb which installed automatically on double click (neat). But where to launch it? There is no shortcut made on desktop or top menu bar.

Another things : What is the equivalent of C:\Documents & settings\user of WIndows in LInux? When I open my computer in Gnome, I get the FIlesystem drive showing & inside it are many files & folders. I went to the Home folder & then Saurav folder inside it, which shows 2 folders "Desktop" & "Examples". I just made a folder "FIles" here in which I will save everything. Guess this should be ok. This is more like my d:\ drive equivalent where i save movies etc, right?

Right now I m using the Application -> Add\remove programs to remove useless stuff which I don't need like open office. Here again it asked to update the package information from net. Is package info = Some internet database of all apps?

ANy linux user other then mehul online on Yahoo? he is not at his desk.
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Debian Rocks!
Re: Ubuntu from scratch

for 1) u need to setup samba server for file sharing btw vista PC and linux PC.
2)firefox stores(in hidden files in UNIX or dot(.) files) its config in ~/.mozilla/firefox/some directory.OR
/home/user/.mozilla/firefox.there is some random named dir inside check there for backup.
3)there are lot of in synaptic package manager(menu SYstem>admin>)
Another things : What is the equivalent of C:\Documents & settings\user of WIndows in LInux? When I open my computer in Gnome, I get the FIlesystem drive showing & inside it are many files & folders. I went to the Home folder & then Saurav folder inside it, which shows 2 folders "Desktop" & "Examples". I just made a folder "FIles" here in which I will save everything. Guess this should be ok. This is more like my d:\ drive equivalent where i save movies etc, right?
In Linux,users are given groups and permissions that they can menu>System>Administration>Users and Groups can help u in this.
/home/saurav is ur Home directory that means where u can freely work with all the powers.Linux file system hierarchy is "/" is the root file dir.also there is /root/ for root user also.all C:\>Program Files\directories are distributed in Linux to have the executables go into the /usr/bin dir and other config files for the program are at /usr/lib/dir
for filesystem explanation very well explained read this post in this fourm for picwise explanation @:
Right now I m using the Application -> Add\remove programs to remove useless stuff which I don't need like open office. Here again it asked to update the package information from net. Is package info = Some internet database of all apps?
U need to get updated packages and new packages list from repositories using apt.if u prefer gui,use gnome-app-install(add/remove) or synaptic-press reload button.when finishes it will show u latest packages and upgrades similar is windows-update for vista.
In menu Press Applications>Accessories>Terminal to get a terminal.Now edit or look ur /etc/apt/sources.list for similarity as mine.u can add many a repositories.Now in gnome-terminal @ "$" prompt gedit is an editor for GNOME like wordpad in M$.
:~$gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list
^ when prompted give ur password.(this can be all done via GUI in SYnaptic>Settings>repositories also!)
Now copy either mine or edit urself:
# # If you get GPG errors with this sources.list, locate the GPG key in this file
# # and run these commands (where KEY is replaced with that key)
# #
# # gpg --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys KEY
# # gpg --export --armor KEY | sudo apt-key add -
#Ubuntu Security
deb * feisty-security main restricted
deb-src * feisty-security main restricted
deb * feisty-security universe
deb-src * feisty-security universe
deb * feisty-security multiverse
deb-src * feisty-security multiverse

# # Ubuntu supported packages
# # GPG key: 437D05B5
deb * feisty main restricted
deb-src * feisty main restricted
deb * feisty-updates main restricted
deb-src * feisty-updates main restricted

# # Ubuntu community supported packages
# # GPG key: 437D05B5
deb * feisty universe multiverse
deb-src * feisty universe multiverse
deb * feisty-updates universe multiverse
deb-src * feisty-updates universe multiverse

# # Ubuntu backports project
# # GPG key: 437D05B5
deb * feisty-backports main restricted universe multiverse
deb-src * feisty-backports main restricted universe multiverse

#### Proposed Multiverse ####
deb * feisty-proposed main restricted universe multiverse
deb-src * feisty-proposed main restricted universe multiverse

#### Canonical Commercial ####
deb * feisty-commercial main

BTW have U seen
for feisty?
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You gave been GXified
Re: Ubuntu from scratch

thanx atleast someone replied.

1) I went to System Menu -> Administration -> Shared folder it said to install 2 things SMP & NFS which I clicked ok to download. Now everything is installed here.

2) But, now what? I hope you know about VMWare. I went to VMware to edit this virtual machine. Now I enabled share & enabled a folder d:\downloads\ to be shared to the guest OS.

3) Now I get the shared folder WIndows in Ubuntu & I m asked to add a folder to it. Clicked on Add & it asks for path. Here is what I selected


So I guess by this I shared my Ubuntu folder to WIndows, while I want to do reverse. See my WIndows shared folder in Ubuntu.

I am looking in Vista whether i disabled some service kya :p

The file system problem is solved. I just made a folder in home\saurav\ Files besides desktop & example folder & save all my files in it


Debian Rocks!
Re: Ubuntu from scratch

if u got files shared from Vista,try in Menu>Places>Network to launch nautilus network whether showing ur vista items.
edit: i found a neat howto on Mounting Windows shares permanantly on Ubuntu GNU/Linux.

I am sorry.I dont know anything about vmware.:)
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You gave been GXified
Re: Ubuntu from scratch

hey, i haven't been able to share files yet but giving them a halt.

I installed few things using synaptic. Flash PLugin & VLC Player, KeypassX, gcursor.

Right now making Ubuntu look more like OS X using a guide & have succeded in it a bit too :D. I m still looking for some Vista icon theme so that I can be a bit familier with the icon & UI. I downloaded avant window nevigatar which is a dock actully but it is tar.gz file which on extraction gives many files. How to install this? Is there some dock for Ubuntu available in Synaptic? plz tell me the name. FIrst change the UI & then the usability...maloom to ho ki main kar kya rahan hun.


Debian Rocks!
Re: Ubuntu from scratch

install themes using menus>System>Preferences> it and brows e to tdat tar.gz file.that's it will install.
Just do some research on menu for urself.
also be somewhat aware of the terminal,CLI tool in Linux.also be familiarised with some commands atleast.
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You gave been GXified
Re: Ubuntu from scratch

Ya ya, themes installation is done. I m refraining from using the terminal as much as possible though I installed gcursor using sudo apt-get install gcursor in terminal

anyway, here is where i m so far. RIght now trying to customize GAIM for Macish look

OK firefox is safari now.

Now how to change the GAIM icons & emoticons? Where are they saved
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Debian Rocks!
Re: Ubuntu from scratch

good one.for mouse cursor customizations goto menu System>preferences>Mouse::pointers
:~$ sudo apt-get install chameleon-cursor-theme
^ is a nice theme or comix cursor or crystal cursor(i use!)

u can browse synaptic(search! ctrl+f) manager for mouse themes.the first thing i did with feisty is i installed blubuntu(blue theme) from synaptic.

do u got installed compiz (by default installed afaik) or beryl.

and do u have success with windows file share in Linux?
Use nautilus file manager(like win explorer) from Places>Network.
try connecting by giving the details by File>Connect to Server.
the guide i've given u already.hope u read the link:rolleyes:

:~$ apt-get install gaim {pressed TAB key }
gaim gaim-extendedprefs gaim-otr
gaim-autoprofile gaim-guifications gaim-themes
gaim-data gaim-hotkeys gaim-thinklight
gaim-dbg gaim-irchelper gaim-xmms-remote
gaim-dev gaim-libnotify
gaim-encryption gaim-meanwhile
^^ these are some options.
gaim-guifications may be the theme pkg.wait will see:
:~$ apt-cache show gaim-guifications
Package: gaim-guifications
Priority: optional
Section: universe/net

Description: toaster popups for gaim
Guifications are notifications windows styled after those found in msn,
deadaim, and newer version of aim, yahoo instant messenger, and a lot of
other applications. The notifications are user customizable/themable
and a few example themes ship in the package.
for themes did u probed ?
there is amsn for msn users.


You gave been GXified
Re: Ubuntu from scratch

Nope, no compiz or beryl on VMWare. I wanted to get some shaodw effect below windows like Vista or OS X but I don't think that can work in VMWare.

No success in file sharing so far that I will check tomorrow morning.

SO, where are GAIM settings saved? I need to reach the folder \GAIM\pixmaps so that I can put new emoticons there.


Debian Rocks!
Re: Ubuntu from scratch

igaim OS X style theme:


Debian Rocks!
Re: Ubuntu from scratch

^^i dont know much about gaim customizations. U need to install gaim-themes and related packages.btw it seems gaim changed its name to pidgin :?
edit:found some link on:
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You gave been GXified
Re: Ubuntu from scratch

THose are installed & i can see them too. But where is the gaim/pixmaps folder


Debian Rocks!
Re: Ubuntu from scratch

^^ /usr/share/pixmaps/gaim/
for ur theme to work just do this:
press ALT+F2 to get run dialog
gksudo nautilus
browse to /usr/share/pixmaps/gaim/
now the extracted igaim theme;ie a "gaim" folder-copy the contents of that folder into /usr/share/pixmaps/gaim/
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You gave been GXified
Re: Ubuntu from scratch

Phew, done atlast. I prefer the Tango icons for GAIM more then OS X Icons so atleast something familier. Thanx for the gksudo nautilas tip. I was wondering why is the paste option disabled in /usr/share :p

Now configuring GAIM guification.

There is an icon on the top menu at far right which on clicking gives option to shut down OS. Can I put inside the menu somewhere? I don't like it there.

& now coming to configure firefox. I m trying to find a way to copy paste between WIndows & VMware, might be able to just bring my firefox profile folder from there


Debian Rocks!
Re: Ubuntu from scratch

^^ for gaining root access with nautilus every time,u can create a menu for nautilus(root) in ur Applications>System menu>nautilus(root) its easy.check it out below:
[B] How to browse files/folders as root user in Nautilus [/B]

[*]To install File Browser (Root)[/LIST] gksudo gedit /usr/share/applications/Nautilus-root.desktop
[*]Insert the following lines into the new file[/LIST] [/LIST] [Desktop Entry]
Name=File Browser (Root)
Comment=Browse the filesystem with the file manager
Exec=gksudo "nautilus --browser %U"
[*]Save the edited file
[*]Read [URL="*"]#How to refresh GNOME panel[/URL][/LIST] [/LIST] [LIST]
[*]To browse files/folders as root user in Nautilus[LIST]
[*]Applications -> System Tools -> File Browser (Root)[/LIST] [/LIST]


El mooooo
gx_saurav said:
1) How to make a network share in Ubuntu & WIndows?

I have shared a folder using VMWare in Ubuntu & WIndows so that i can copy paste files between WIndows & ubuntu. Now in another VM Of WIndows XP the shared folder is easliy accisible, how to do it in Ubuntu?
If that is the only requirement you have then you don't need to have SAMBA or anything else installed but you need to have vmware tools installed. Once you do that, your shared folder will be available under /mnt/hgfs or something like that (don't remember exactly). Just install vmware tools and look under / should be able to find something relevant.

gx_saurav said:
& now coming to configure firefox. I m trying to find a way to copy paste between WIndows & VMware, might be able to just bring my firefox profile folder from there
iirc you were using VMWare 6 no? It has drag and drop support now. You can use that...?
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You gave been GXified
Re: Ubuntu from scratch

@ eddie

Ya I m using VMWare 6, but drag & drop is not working from Windows to Linux :confused:

& VMWare tools, damn I forgot to install that one. I got 2 files one tar.gz & one rpm. How to install now? Is vmware tool for VMWare 6 available in deb ?

If I extract the tar.gz file it gives me a folder & I got instruction to run the file with admin privilage in terminal. I again did the gksudo nautilas & this time clicked on the .pl file to install the application drivers. It opened terminal & i just went on clicking enter enter so that it can take default location & now it is building the installer after asking me many more things. Damn, i do miss the .mo approch. Will tell here if it installes
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Wire muncher!
Re: Ubuntu from scratch

just extract the .tar.gz file and run the vmware install script. u dun hafta do anything. it'll automatically install everything!

as easy as 123..... :)

just select the default options.. keep pressing enter.
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You gave been GXified
Re: Ubuntu from scratch

VMware tools installed. I just kept on pressing enter enter & in the end it restart X at 1024X768, the res i selected.

But I don't see any entry in Menus for VMWare tools? If I can share files, half of my problems will be solved as i can bring things from my friends home too who uses linux.
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