since we cant go off topic...
lets just try to understand why i said the asrock is bad...this post is for anyone who is interested..
1.QC issues(DOA,bad sockets).
2.Usage of analog controller in VRM
Now In modern motherboards voltage is controlled in two ways mainly;one is analog controller IC or by a digital controller IC.
in case of
analog controller the voltage goes like a wave and the IC constantly monitors and adjusts the voltage so sometimes it goes higher than what is needed and it sometimes it goes lower;in reality it translates into constant fluctuation in the vid as the voltage is constantly adjusted by the IC and this fluctuation is VERY bad for Intel SB and IVB chips as they are not very tolerant to voltage changes and tend to degrade fast.
in case of
digital controller the IC is told exactly how much voltage is needed to reach the set vcore and the output voltage is given exactly as needed,no over compensation or under compensation is needed in this case and the fluctuation is almost Zero.So as a result the Chips lasts much longer.
in case this is too technical let me give you an example..
suppose you are refueling your car,you fill up the tank until its spills over and spoil ur suit and then you stop:this is how analog works;it does the job but inefficiently.
How ever in case of Digital you exactly know how much fuel is needed to completely fill up the tank and u control the flow to fill upto that point only and thereby not spoiling anything in the process.
Hence we see Digital controllers are more efficient and accurate.
Now with reference to the boards in issues
Asrock Extreme 6 uses ISL 6367 IC which is essentially an hybrid IC(part analog+part digital) hence the power delivery is erratic.
Gigabyte Sniper M3 uses IR 3567 IC which is completely digital and hence more efficient in power delivery and makes the sniper m3 more suitable candidate.
VRM Articles
as for my knowledge...i tend to share whatever i know/i test..and people see me as a rude arrogant person for that..but i dont really care as long as my knowledge is doing some good for the community.
mods/supermods are welcome to delete this and any other post of mine if they deem this to be off topic
Do any of the reviews deal with durability ? I guess not
depends on the testers definition of durability...
for some a board is durable if it passes a certain test by any means possible..
for some a board is deemed durable if it passes the same test in an efficient manner.