Hardware price list/spec sheet


As I sd, I prefer ATI/AMD!:D I wont buy any rebranded crap by by nvidia! Better get the solid performer GTX 260 or w8 for the prices to come down and get my fav 4870 1GB with much better drivers. Go ATI, Go RED!


Palit HD4870 1GB GDDR5 Dual SONIC @ 13.5k

Palit HD 4850 512MB GDDR5 Special SONIC @ 9.4k
Why is there such a HUGE price HOLE??? Is there no card fr arnd 11k other than the 4870 512? Buck up AMD! Losing a lot of potential buyers!!! :(


i got the price from my dealer now

palit gtx 275 sonic --> 16800/- inc tax

palit gtx 260 sonic --> 11.2k inc tax

hd 4870 1gb sonic --> 13.3k inc tax

GTX 275 sonic equals to gtx 280 in performance


EXIT: DATA Junkyard
I hope Comp@ddict doesn't mind, I edited his post because some things were bold and needn't be, others deserve to be bold but weren't.
No probs
PowerSafe 400W Gold @ 1.5k
Powersafe 500W Silver @ 1.8k
Powersafe 500W Gold @ 2.4k

Cooler Master Real Power 460W @ 3.7k
Cooler Master Real Power 550W @ 5.7k

Tagan BZ600 600W @ 6k
Tagan Super Rock TG600-U33 600W @ 6.4k

Corsair TX 650 @ 7k
Corsair TWIN 2x2048-6400 4GB 800MHz CL5 @ 3.3k
G.Skill F2-6400 CL5D - 4GBPQ @ 3k
G.Skill F2-6400 CL4D - 4GBPI @ 4k
G.Skill F2-8800 CL5D - 4GBPI @ 4.4k

G.Skill F3-10666 CL7T - 6GBPK @ 12.7k
Western Digital Caviar Green 1TB SATA HDD @ 5k
Palit HD4870 1GB GDDR5 Dual SONIC @ 13.3k

Palit GTX275 SONIC 896MB GDDR3 @ 16.8k
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As I sd, I prefer ATI/AMD!:D I wont buy any rebranded crap by by nvidia! Better get the solid performer GTX 260 or w8 for the prices to come down and get my fav 4870 1GB with much better drivers. Go ATI, Go RED!
For resolutions at and below 720p, GTS250 is the best. Its NOT 9800GT. Its a 9800GTX+ which is actually a great card which starts loosing to HD4850 ONLY if you go to resolutions at or beyond 1650x1050.

I would list the advantages of GTS250 as follows:

1. Great performance for those with smaller 720p monitors.
2. PhysX support
3. On a GF8200 motherboard it supports Hybrid Power which switches off the main GPU and uses IGP when less demanding tasks are run
4. When HD4770 is not available easily at 7K, this is the second best at 7.7K.

Disadvantages are:

1. At resolutions on or beyond 1650x1050 it starts to loose to AMD HD4000 series cards and THIS is the range of resolutions most gamers game at.
2. Low headroom for overclocking unlike HD4770 which has insane potential.
3. Low speed GDDR3 memory compared to HD4770's GDDR5 (though 128bit its better) memory.

In the current scenario, I would advice people to hunt for a Radeon HD4770 GPU which is worth buying upto 7K. If you can't find it even at 7.5K, its time to move on to nVidia GeForce.

And to all of those wondering why HD4870 512MB is the only card @ 11K from AMD:

1. Palit HD4850 512MB GDDR5 can comfortably replace that card @ 9.4K

2. There is actually the HD4870 1GB which costs 1K more. Performance is much better than GTX 260(216) at resolutions at or beyond 1080p. So its a worthy buy

3. That slot is reserved for price cuts on the HD4870 1GB once the Radeon HD5000 series GPUs come out.

And yeah btw, AMD is going on a replacing spree throwing out its HD4830 stock by converting it to HD4750 (or was it 4730 ?) with same chip but 128 bit GDDR5 memory. Great move and expected to replace HD4850 512MB GDDR3 from the market because its clocked higher than reference HD4830. Expect this to be out once AMD is sure that stocks of HD4850 in the market is low enough to risk a replacement :p


^^^ Great Explanation dude. Any idea when the 5000 series is coming out? I'd still prefer to wait and buy a great ATI which pwns nvidia @ the same price bracket than go for a solid GFX card nw!

@ topgear Thanx a million-trillion-zillion man! I got the mobo @ ur suggestion and the great thing is that nw I cn :

A). Play games @ a lower res with high detail settings using the integrated GFX
B). Wait my heart out for team RED to do something spectacular
C). Not have to buy because my PC wont run otherwise
D). Get great performance nonetheless!(Phenom II - Thanx comp@ddict)
Palit GTX260 869MB GDDR3 SONIC @ 11.2k

Is it 896MB or 869MB???

I askd 2day @ lamington and I got 3 different people quoting the 896MB SONIC @ 11k!

And yup, can u please add some TV Tuner Card prices to this thread? I seem to notice that technology convergence is happening a lot these days as one can get a 26" LCD TV for no less than 24k, but one can get a full HD monitor @ ~10k + ~3k TV Tuner and enjoy TV as much, if not more! The record function just adds to the joyride!

I enquired at a lot of Lamington shops 2day and I cn confirm that the 4770 is officialy out of stock in Mumbai(for GawdKnowsWhateverBS Reason). Some Dude once said, "Kudrat ki leela vichitra hai. Vah hamaari samajh ke baahar hai." :(:(:(:(:(:(:(


Super Moderator
Staff member
@ Techalomaniac - I think ati is going to hike the price of HD4770 or those cards have some major issue ( though I've not heard any of those till now ). So they took
out all the cards from the market. If you want to wait then just wait. But the palit GTX 260 is a really good choice if you want to buy a gfx card now.


Bond, Desi Bond!
May be it is because, HD4770 is ruining HD4850's market!!

1) Reduce price of HD4850
2) Clear HD4850 stock completely
3) Bring in HD4770


^^^If they hike its price, I'm so sure I'm gonna buy the GTX 260 @ 11k rather than go for a 4770 @ 9k or so. I'll wait and watch. Better late than never. Maybe they just clearing out the 4850's as no one would even look @ them with the 4770 performing just 10pc less and also overclocking better. Has anybody heard any official statements regarding this??? Why is it happening just outta the blue? I almost feel cheated out of a great card!

Can ne1 explain this 2 me?
The memory size is 640 MB??? WTH? I thought it was only 128MB sideport memory or something like that!


One more thing, I'll wait for 40nm to hit the market well and good. They are expected to run cooler and consume lesser power, aren't they? So my VX450W won't have any major headaches in the future. If my GPU chokes, which it doesn't now(even plays Fallout 3), I'll think of buying. Else I'm more than happy with my mobo!


Sorry for triple posting Guys, but apparently Quick Reply is working without having to press F5! YAY! :D

EDIT: No pain means no gain. Where are the avatars?


EXIT: DATA Junkyard
Avatars are back!

And I hope AMD doesn't cut HD4770 price. Instead they relaunch HD4770 as HD4790 with this:
Core - 900MHz
Memory - 1000MHz(it's rated to run at this speed after all!)
Cooler - Premium Cooler
Price - 109$
India - 7.5k

Anf then for 5-6k, the HD4730 will take over, finally beating the 9600GT and also coming close to 9800GT which is primarily it's competition.


Broken In
4770s have been called back? Whoa. Any idea why?

Also, why are they so expensive in india? They are $100 at newegg, and Rs7500 here :O.


Right off the assembly line
I just tried to make it more simpler, so a person can just look at the list instead of asking and waiting for a reply or going through pages of posts.

P.S.-I'll be updating soon.

Good Work.
Just what i'm looking for and its much easier to find.


EXIT: DATA Junkyard
4770s have been called back? Whoa. Any idea why?

Also, why are they so expensive in india? They are $100 at newegg, and Rs7500 here :O.
Not called back, their production is low, as TMSC is still struggling with 40nm. But yields are expected to improve very very soon.
And MSI HD4770 costs 6.6k only!

Palit 9600GT 512MB DDR3 Rs. 4.7K
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