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Aspiring Novelist
Unlocking and jailbreaking an iPhone is perfectly legal, both it the United States and in India. Downloading a patched copy of Apple's operating system is not. If you can buy a retail copy of Leopard and modify it to work on your PC, do so. Tell others how to do so if you want to. But that's impossible to do and any other method you use to install Leopard on a PC is strictly illegal. Case in point: Apple filed a class action lawsuit against Psystar but I don't see either Apple or AT&T taking any action against the iPhone Dev-Team.

As for installing pirated software on Mac OS X, I urge you to scour the Apple thread and come up with even a single instance where I or anyone else has helped anyone get a pirated copy of any software. There's an application I could mention the name of and even Mac newbies will be able to get any Mac application for free using just that, but I've never even hinted at its existence in the Apple thread. We've been toeing the line and expect you to do the same.


Beyond Smart
As for installing pirated software on Mac OS X, I urge you to scour the Apple thread and come up with even a single instance where I or anyone else has helped anyone get a pirated copy of any software. There's an application I could mention the name of and even Mac newbies will be able to get any Mac application for free using just that, but I've never even hinted at its existence in the Apple thread. We've been toeing the line and expect you to do the same.

Not in the apple thread, but I find this amusing


Oh and btw, unlocking an iPhone IS illegal :)


in search of myself
Not in the apple thread, but I find this amusing


Oh and btw, unlocking an iPhone IS illegal :)

:shock: Arya is the biggest hypocrite of this forum
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unlocking an iPhone IS illegal

err...jailbreakin will suspend your access to tech support from Apple BUT you can continue to use it with self-support :rolleyes:

Apple can not take axn against you even if u go to Cupertino and place your jailbreaked iPhone on their desk


Beyond Smart
err...jailbreakin will suspend your access to tech support from Apple BUT you can continue to use it with self-support :rolleyes:

Apple can not take axn against you even if u go to Cupertino and place your jailbreaked iPhone on their desk



BSD init pwns System V
So lets evaluate this deal
Office 2008 - $400
iLIfe - $80
Aperture 2 - $199
Final Cut Studio 2 - $1299
Logic Studio - $499
Shake 4.1 - $499
Adobe CS 3.3 = $1799.25

This converts to Indian Rupees :- Rs. 201,355
(I converted this on my Hackintosh currency converter widget.

Damn. Man.. I'll come to Kolkata for this deal.. This Macintosh for Rs. 100,000 + some nominal charge with these softwares.. its a steal :D

Source :- Apple US Store.. (India k price zyada honge shayad)
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1.) Your own Source
"unlocking" a phone, while questionably violating the EULA, is NOT illegal as far as the DMCA goes, because there is a special exemption in the DMCA which does allow circumvention of access controls on cellular phones for their use on another carrier.

2.) Source
Is it illegal to hack the iPod Touch or iPhone?

Hacking the iPod Touch is not illegal. While Apple would like to make you think it is illegal, it is not, and it is impossible to get in any legal trouble for hacking it. You and Apple made an exchange. You gave Apple $400 and they gave you an iPod. It is officially yours and you can do whatever you want with it.

It is illegal to post copyrighted code, such as the operating system of the iPod Touch and the iPhone, on the Internet. But you won’t be doing that if you choose to hack your device.

3.) Source
What is jailbreaking in ipod and itouch? that is illegal right?

There is nothing 'they' can legally do to prevent you from unlocking it, ergo, it isn't illegal. They can insist that your device is locked when you upgrade its Operating System or send it in for service, though.

4.) Source
So what will Apple do. Expect a lot tighter policing of iPhones. Regular updates closing loopholes that hackers have used to jailbreak, and even bricking of phones that it detects have been tampered with. While not illegal it will be a lot riskier jailbreaking your phone this time round.

all of them say wat i myself have said - no support to jailbroken iPhones

d00d, give me 1 site that says u jailbreak and u goin DOWN"

while Apple is going all hammer and tongs behind a Psystar who have not even starting selling OsX -installed PCs, report 1 incidence where a jailbroken iPhone user has been arrested

hell, George Hotz gets interviewd on primetime news


Staff member
Not in the apple thread, but I find this amusing


Oh and btw, unlocking an iPhone IS illegal :)
awesome man ! :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
The ideal mac user of the forum :D:rolleyes:

May be now I can ask all web designers who use photoshop, dreamweaver, fireworks, indesign, premier , Flash, illustrator and after effects , the same question. How much did you pay for it ?
photoshop- $999 +
dreamweaver- $399 +
fireworks- $299 +
indesign- $699 +
premier- $799 +
Flash- $699 +
illustrator- $599 +
after effects- $999
= $5492 ~ RS. 2,30,664

Office 2008 - $400 +
iLIfe - $80 +
Aperture 2 - $199 +
Final Cut Studio 2 - $1299 +
Logic Studio - $499 +
Shake 4.1 - $499 +
= Rs. 1,99,556

RS. 2,30,664 + Rs. 1,99,556 = Rs. 4,30,220/- only ta da

Oh and dont forget to pay $1.99 for this puny little driver on APPLE store. i know you can afford this amount from your pocket money. You know for Apple even $2 matters :rolleyes:

charging for an 802.11n driver

Amount calculated using "bc", a damn good powerful calculator in damn good powerful linux :D

Now think how much you robbed them !

Now tell me the hypocrites could you ever pay back that much amount:rolleyes: then why do you use them ? Just for education:rolleyes:

Get some life man !

Now why dont have a look at free open source alternatives, may be your support will encourage developers to make them better. GIMP is an example !
No body will ask you the question that the software doesnt belong to you or you pirated it. You have the whole righs for it:D

But no says the Hypocrites ! Deep inside I will remain what I am:rolleyes: A damn hypocrtie:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
Source: adobe's website
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BSD init pwns System V
@T159.. How come your Adobe's products are of Rs. 2.3 Lakh.. I included Adobe Design Premium CS3.. Oh got it.. maine Dreamweaver and Flash etc nahi jode the.. T159... bhai Office, Aperture. Final Cut Pro, Logic Studio, Shake etc bhi add karo..


Wise Old Owl
This is concerning the reported post in this thread. I'd request members who've made reference to distro name/release group to edit their posts and remove those reference/s. It does make it a lot easier for visitors here to try something which is illegal due to those names. Hence, this request. Otherwise, I'd do it myself if you fail to do it within the next 2 days.

And please stick to topic, yes/no. No asking for help or helping with hackintosh queries.

don't u think the thread should be closed instead of these simple things?one way or the other its pure many threads do we have on other warez that are not locked by mods?why not this one?

no i ain't the one who reported.

if u go by the rules any discussion regarding piracy,modding,unlocking and cracker groups is illegal.


BSD init pwns System V
@nish_bridger.. right you're my friend.. go and lock Gamerz thread.. go and lock Official Apple Thread (they discuss about unlocking iPhone).. go and lock Software Troubleshooting.. is forum ko hi lock kar dete hain :D only Open Source.. Technology News.. and Random News thread should be allowed.. Any person who posts the tutorials on the Tutorial thread.. ask him first to show the proof that he used genuine software for the tutorial..


Beyond Smart

d00d, give me 1 site that says u jailbreak and u goin DOWN"

while Apple is going all hammer and tongs behind a Psystar who have not even starting selling OsX -installed PCs, report 1 incidence where a jailbroken iPhone user has been arrested

If you read the source it says, and I agree, that Apple is probably not going to bother taking up a case against such hackers, but it still is illegal :) Chances of you getting caught are negligible. However that does not make it legal, does it ?


Wise Old Owl
@nish_bridger.. right you're my friend.. go and lock Gamerz thread.. go and lock Official Apple Thread (they discuss about unlocking iPhone).. go and lock Software Troubleshooting.. is forum ko hi lock kar dete hain :D only Open Source.. Technology News.. and Random News thread should be allowed.. Any person who posts the tutorials on the Tutorial thread.. ask him first to show the proof that he used genuine software for the tutorial..

did anyone report i phone unlocking?no.yea its illegal..and the same implies to PS2,X360,PSP threads.

and how many times do u find thread like- How to crack Windows Vista or Something in gamer's section like games/apps cracked by XYZ .not even in the ppl mention they r using Cracked softwares to post tutorials?-none
i don't bother what someone's using on his/her pc..but discussions like these don't qualify for this forum i guess.


Aspiring Novelist
May I ask, what is the purpose of this thread anyway? You guys wanted to show off that you use hackint0shes. Mission accomplished. You don't really have anything else to discuss.

As for piracy, yeah, I indulge in it. So does every single person in the world who uses a computer. I buy software from indie developers and pirate stuff that is sold by the likes of Adobe, Apple and Microsoft. However, I neither go around encouraging others to do so nor do I help anyone pirate stuff on this forum. It's not called hypocrisy, it's called abiding by the rules.

And unlocking iPhones is not illegal. Once you've bought the phone, it's yours to do with it what you will, as long as you don't sell the modified software. Helping someone unlock an iPhone is essentially like teaching them how to stick the Dock to one corner of the screen on Mac OS X. It's a software hack for something you legally own.

That's can never be the case for hackint0sh users because a legally purchased retail copy of Leopard just cannot be made to run on a PC. Therefore, it's illegal, plain and simple, and any discussion about it is disallowed on the Digit forum, or at least, it should be.

Anyway, my duty was done once I'd reported the thread. What you guys do now is hardly any of my business. :)


Beyond Smart
And unlocking iPhones is not illegal. Once you've bought the phone, it's yours to do with it what you will, as long as you don't sell the modified software. Helping someone unlock an iPhone is essentially like teaching them how to stick the Dock to one corner of the screen on Mac OS X. It's a software hack for something you legally own.

Applying a similar logic, is it OK to download and use these releases if I legally own a copy of Leopard or Tiger ?


BSD init pwns System V
we're also not encouraging my friend.. we're just discussing.. although we can post here full tutorials about installing it on system along with the modified files.. but we will not..

And for the Original Mac OS X 's retail copy installation on a PC.. please don't encourage me to open my mouth.. :D :D

Applying a similar logic, is it OK to download and use these releases if I legally own a copy of Leopard or Tiger ?

Yeah.. exactly.. there's a video of on YouTube in which CEO of CNET asks if you want to install Leo on the PC then you should own a legal copy.. doing this you'll not become a pirate but will be voided of support from Apple..
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in search of myself
Anyway, my duty was done once I'd reported the thread. What you guys do now is hardly any of my business. :)

Tell me where in this thread we discussed how to install Mac on PC ??
The fact however is that you are simply jealous of us Hacintosh user. So you are making every possible effort to close this thread. But unfortunately you can't :lol:
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