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The Devil's Advocate
And someone who calls Lungi (or any other traditional dress) cheap surely is shouting out loud that he's mentally sick. Anyways, using OSX on Mac is like buying a superbly expensive suit (your mac hardware) and walking down the lane and eating at some nice food joint(OSX), while using OSX on PC is like Wearing a normal suit and driving around on some sexy expensive superfast car (Our PC hardware) and eating from the same jolint as you are (OSX)

The following is being said as a Tech evangelist.

Unfortunately NO. Using OS X on a PC and on a Mac is totally different. You can know about OS X and it's features, but the analogy you made is plain right stupid. Apple has tightly integrated it's OS with it's hardware and optimised it to work on it. Half of the OS X stuff does not work on my PC. You can't even use a mic on OS X & not even a Web cam, so when you talk about an expensive car, make sure your car has Bridgestone tyres and not cheap JK tyres.

A 8400gt on a Dell can give you a WEP of 3.5 whereas the same card on a HP won't, or vice-versa, the reason is that Dell optimizes the hardware accordingly, HP might have not.


The Devil's Advocate
bhai mere PC par to saari applications chalti hain Mac waali..
Haven't booted into Leo for sometime, will tell you which ones after some time. For one I remember on Leo VLC does not, tried it on 2 distros. Another is iWork, then Frontrow. Photobhoot wants me to have a GFX card, so can't count that. Don't try a mic or a webcam they won't work.


Aspiring Novelist
You need to present better analogies. These are SICK... just SICK..

Just goes to say that people in villages are always poor and cannot afford a car. Wearing lungi is cheap.. and everybody exhibiting city life hafta wear classy trousers....

Dude.. get a life.. every human has dignity.. and is free to live his/her life. You are nobody to decide on such things. Next time when you post, type sensibly... Think twice.. thrice.. about what you are posting...
My father wears a lungi and I hail from Deoraala, a village in Haryana. My sister still lives in Daadri, another village in Haryana. Don't try to put words in my mouth. I never said anything against villages or villagers or lungis, lungi wearers or any other traditional Indian apparel. You're quoting my words out of context and misinterpreting them.

My analogies made it abundantly clear that they were meant to highlight the unsuitability of certain things with certain other things. Can you wear a nice formal shirt with a lungi? No, you cannot. Would you drive an Audi in a village on a regular basis? You'd be stupid if you did. When I said that a lungi is cheap, I meant it literally, not in terms of the status of the wearer or any other such thing. Don't lungis cost you much less than a pair of Levis?

I do not appreciate this. Think hard before you blatantly point fingers at someone.


BSD init pwns System V
The only app that didn't works on my Hacintosh is Parallels coz it needs exactly 800 MHz FSB whereas I'm on AMD so the FSB value is different... but I replaced it with the Open Source innotek Virtualbox (now owned by SUN)

arey Photobhoot likha hai aapne.. its Photobooth i think so.. little typo there dude..
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Aspiring Novelist
Du'h?? You were trying to be funny here or you are that stupid? Apple filed a case against Psystar coz they are loosing business due to their acts and they arnt saying anything to Dev-Team because they are actually making money, because if there wasnt any way of jailbreaking and unlocking iPhone then they wouldn't have sold half the iPhones they have sold.

Seriously, what are you? someone who's got too much sense of humor or someone who just knows how to type but cant make sense?
At least I can read, unlike you.

I specifically mentioned AT&T in my post and they've got everything to lose. The iPhone I'm using right now has already cost AT&T more than $1440. They would sue the iPhone Dev-Team, the real identities of most members of which of well known, in a trice if they had any chance of winning. But everyone knows that they don't stand a chance because unlocking phones not considered illegal.


BSD init pwns System V
Non Working apps :- Parallels and MS Powerpoint.. actually Powerpoint works... but crashes it while running slideshow.. so i uninstalled it as OpenOffice.Org 3 beta sports Aqua.. and i love OOo..

VLC, Frontrow, iChat screen sharing, adium etc etc sabhi kaam karte hain.. photoshop and Adobe's apps, FCP etc maine try nahi kiye...

Update :- inbuilt cams work on HP laps.. confirmed from a friend..
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Wire muncher!

I never said anything against villages or villagers or lungis, lungi wearers or any other traditional Indian apparel. You're quoting my words out of context and misinterpreting them.
The way you put the words.. seemed derogatory... I'm neither quoting your words out of context neither misinterpreting them. You know what you've typed, I know what you wanted to say.. and all the members know it too...

My analogies made it abundantly clear that they were meant to highlight the unsuitability of certain things with certain other things.
No wonder, I requested you to use better analogies. Don't drag in any region, race or religion [not alleging that you did] in the discussion.

Can you wear a nice formal shirt with a lungi? No, you cannot.
Haf a look at our Finance Minister Mr.P.Chidambaram.

Would you drive an Audi in a village on a regular basis? You'd be stupid if you did.
Goto almost any village in Punjab and hit me back if you don't find an expensive car [or anything expensive] there...

Don't lungis cost you much less than a pair of Levis?
Go to Tamil Nadu.

I'm neither a Tamilian nor a Punjabi. But just highlighting the facts.

I do not appreciate this.
Your appreciation is the last thing I'm bothered about.

Think hard before you blatantly point fingers at someone.
Think doubly hard before posting such things in a public forum. Use better analogies.

Posts like these can irk up some people and the whole thing can go out of control.


Continue the discussion please :)

But everyone knows that they don't stand a chance because unlocking phones not considered illegal.
.... only if the contract period has expired. Otherwise, by all means, it is illegal.
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The Mighty Unkel!!!
Staff member
Ok .. here is a question for all hacintosh users.
Why did you install it? ..

I installed it cause I wanted to try OS X .. to see whats in OS X .. I dont use it reguarly.. best thing I saw in OS X world was Adium - A IM client.I ditched OS X when the auto update downloaded 500 MB (capped) cause I forgot to turn Auto update off :mad: ...


BSD init pwns System V
I also wanted to try it and I was challenged by a senior of mine in college.. we are rivals.. he owns a Macbook which I adviced him when he was purchasing a laptop.. and I don't use it regularly.. I'm on Linux about 80% of time.. its just for exploring Mac.. call it a test drive..


MMO Addict
I installed coz I wanted to have a demo before I buy one. I almost decided to get a MPB but then I'm again reconsidering it since like other laptops, MBP too has viewing angle problem. I want to do some Photoshopping and viewing angle is really a big issue.
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