GUIed Programming Platform

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I want a good programming kit for linux. It needs to be completely GUI based, or atleast as much as possible, and preferably based on C++. I like non-textual programming(atleast for simple apps), so I need something that can be made with a drag and drop or click and place interface.

And yes, it must be GPL v3 compatible(prefered)


Think Zen.
he wants a programming language,not an IDE.

Use Gtkmm,Its in C++ and u can design GUI using Glade.

OK, am installing glade via
sudo apt-get install glade glade-common glade-doc libglade2-dev menu libgtk2.0-dev

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Say, doesn't 'glade' command install version 2 or less? Try glade-3, its neat!
will do when I upgrade to gutsy.

OK guys, here is my first project:

I am making a program similar to gigasmiles for windows, called GSmiles.

I am using the NoteBook widget to create a few tabs where the smilies will be neatly organised.

There will be pic of a smiliey, then next to it will be a use button.

The use button will have a command to copy to clipboard the BB Code required to add the emotion.

You can ctrl+v in text box of forum to use smiley.

I will finish it in a few days. Suggestions welcome.
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Staff member
best of luck :D

please do memory and CPU optimizations and exception handling.


18 Till I Die............
And what about QT? It has qt designer and if I remember right kdevelop4 will have something similar too for developing qt4 apps


left this forum longback
gtk2+ means more reaching in Linux..while qt is supposed to be kde!:D although many says qt developing is easy(no personal experiance!!)


18 Till I Die............
gtk2+ means more reaching in Linux..while qt is supposed to be kde!:D although many says qt developing is easy(no personal experiance!!)
That's pure bullshit.
I had opera on my system without even having kdelibs, it's compiled with static qt. I neither had gnome or kde on gentoo back then but I could easily use both gtk and qt apps without having kdelibs or gnome-library on my system. Yes, there are certain apps which depend upon kdelibs cos they are an integrated part of kde, but that doesn't mean all qt apps need kde or kdelibs.


left this forum longback
I just said normal(read 95%) kde apps which depends on all kdelibs.try installing amarok in Gnome and say!:p even i am using opera and i dont want to have qt installed on my pc and uses opera-static! 8)


18 Till I Die............
I just said normal(read 95%) kde apps which depends on all kdelibs.try installing amarok in Gnome and say!:p even i am using opera and i dont want to have qt installed on my pc and uses opera-static! 8)
read my post again. Amarok is an application that specifically relies on kdelibs. All Qt applications need not rely on kdelibs. So, someone can build a qt application without needing kdelibs. How do you suppose Qt3 apps run on windows and MacOS X?
If someone wants to code a program in Qt without using kdelibs, it's very much possible.
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