Superhuman Spambot
You really think replying to a guy who haven't posted since 22 Aug 2011 is "helping"? I don't get the purpose of posting a poem too on that thread.
Also, you accepted you were necro bumping too. So you were indeed doing it on purpose.
And now you try to defame a mod by posting his PM. You really deserve a permaban.
But I will leave that decision to the actual super mods. Members who don't understand the "importance of community" don't really belong on a forum such as this.
It was a simple joke and I got banned for that without a warning. Necro-bumping is not even mentioned in the rules. Who are you to judge if I am helping or not?
I am not defaming vkl, just posting why I am so pissed off.
I have been helping people in this sub-forum for months now and if that's not understanding the "importance of community" then I ask you what is?