Graphics Cards related queries here.



Re: All Graphics Cards related queries here.

get RivaTuner from Guru3d and then -
Goto- Custumize - Overclocking ............ Enable it ........... and then set the CORE and MEMORY clock to lower than default settings .............. if u havent got it , then i suggest u try googling it.......... u'll find everything .


Rising ApocalypsE
Re: All Graphics Cards related queries here.

Yeah SAM is right,underclocking may be harmful & besides that underclocking also leads to extra power consumption...sounds funny,right?But its true.Just keep it to stock & clean all the dust off & keep it at good airflow.


Wise Old Owl
Re: All Graphics Cards related queries here.

Well , not always .. depends on how much u underclock .. a friend of mine had to underclock his 7900GTX to stop the artifacting problems :D ... from 670/1700 to 650/1600 ...


Cyborg Agent
Re: All Graphics Cards related queries here.

rahul_becks23 said:

LOL, get this..

A gfx card runs at a specific core Voltage and mem stock clocks...If you throttle down the clocks the voltage remains the same thus causing damage..
I lost my memory module 'bcoz of the same reason..


Right off the assembly line
Re: All Graphics Cards related queries here.

I got a nVidia 5200 8x @ 1.5V rating and using Intel 845GBV motherboard with 2GHz processor & DDR 266Mhz 640MB RAM.
The AGP card is only running at 4x speed.
I want to upgrade my motherboard and add more RAM keeping my graphics card and processor same.
Is there a motherboard from any brand that will give 8x support for my AGP card with other things remaining the same?

Hurry pl coz I must spent the mony quick or itz gone.


You gave been GXified
Re: All Graphics Cards related queries here.

^^^^^ you will not find any performance gain from your card if u go with AGP 8X over AGP4X. it's not worth it, stick to what u have


Right off the assembly line
compatibltity question ?

i have AMD Athlon™ 64 3200+
1gb DDR ram
XFXgeforce 6600 256 MB (pci )
MSI RS482 mother board ....
are the new geforce 8800GTX or geforce 8800gts compatible with my motherboard ?????


Wise Old Owl
Re: All Graphics Cards related queries here.

yes all PCIE cards cab be put on ur system, but u can't get the full perfomance out of it with ur system. According to ur current system config a 7600GT or new 8600 at max is enough.
8600 GS nd GT would be available in 3~4 months nd if u can wait go for it or settle for 7600GT or 7900GS.


Re: All Graphics Cards related queries here.

Any new updates on the 8600 series guys?Availability dates?Prices?Models?
Is the 8600 series going to be backward compatible with Dx 9 based games and apps
Last edited:


Rising ApocalypsE
Re: All Graphics Cards related queries here.

Probably available between march & april.DX9 games will be available approx till end of 2007.People having 8800 GTX & GTS are running DX 9 games on hteir systems so i don't think they will kill the support.


Re: All Graphics Cards related queries here.

possible price tag for 8600 Ultra = US $180 ~Rs.8000 (add 4-5k as taxes = final indian price)
The GT runs at 350MHz, with 256MB of RAM to call its own, while the Ultra sports a 500MHz core, with 512MB of memory.



Wise Old Owl
Re: All Graphics Cards related queries here.

Why the newer 65nm GPU are running at that lower clocks???Even a 7300GT has higher clocks for GPU, even if 8600 if very much faster than the 7300.


Re: All Graphics Cards related queries here.

"both 8600 cards being built with an 80nm process and 300 million transistors".

source: the link i gave in my above post:D


Wise Old Owl
Re: All Graphics Cards related queries here.

Sorry my mistake. But then also 80nm maens the GPU can run stable nd cooler at higher clocks speeds than current generation. Then why is it that even Ultra has only 500Mhz clocks. Just a doubt.


Wise Old Owl
Re: All Graphics Cards related queries here.

aravind_n20 said:
Why the newer 65nm GPU are running at that lower clocks???Even a 7300GT has higher clocks for GPU, even if 8600 if very much faster than the 7300.

Well , compare that to a 425 MHz core on the onboard 6100 IGP's :( ... dude ... it finally comes down to the overall performance .. with lower manufacturing costs i.e. ... nvidia doesn't want competition between its own products do they ??


Re: compatibltity question ?

duron111 said:
i have AMD Athlon™ 64 3200+
1gb DDR ram
XFXgeforce 6600 256 MB (pci )
MSI RS482 mother board ....
are the new geforce 8800GTX or geforce 8800gts compatible with my motherboard ?????

Better not use any NVidia VGA card on ur Motherboard due compatibility difference between ATI chipset and NVidia cards. There are lot no. of reports on driver conflicts and stuffs.
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