Now that the price of 7970 has gone done due to GTX 680 in US. What is the updated price of 7970 in local market?
Same old same old, actually buying the 7970 is stupid in india atm as its still costlier than 680.Now that the price of 7970 has gone done due to GTX 680 in US. What is the updated price of 7970 in local market?
Guys I have a Asus P8H67-M, it has two PCI_E 2.0 slots (16x, 4x).. One is already accumulated by my HD6870.. but the second slot runs @4x, so in future can I upgrade to HD6870 CFX? I mean would that 4x cause any bandwidth/performance issue? Some say 4x is fine for HD6870, some say 4x will slow down both cards.. Please advice, I want to have to 2x performance most reviewers are getting.
Guys I have a Asus P8H67-M, it has two PCI_E 2.0 slots (16x, 4x).. One is already accumulated by my HD6870.. but the second slot runs @4x, so in future can I upgrade to HD6870 CFX? I mean would that 4x cause any bandwidth/performance issue? Some say 4x is fine for HD6870, some say 4x will slow down both cards.. Please advice, I want to have to 2x performance most reviewers are getting.
The CFX will work but on the 4x slot the card wont perform to its full potential![]()
What resolution you're using? If it is 1080P then you can go for it, performance difference is not more than 8%, even with gtx 480.
Hey guys i updated my HD 7750 drivers.But still it's showing it as 12.3 :/ while i installed 12.4
Hey guys i updated my HD 7750 drivers.But still it's showing it as 12.3 :/ while i installed 12.4
Hey guys i updated my HD 7750 drivers.But still it's showing it as 12.3 :/ while i installed 12.4
Get gt240
I uninstalled The drivers
and installed 12.4 fresh!
Still it shows 12.3
I guess its AMD'S problem![]()
^^ Then I guess you have downloaded the 12.3 driver wrongly becuause I am using 12.4 driver from the day of its release and it is showing 12.4 properly.
PhysX is a gimmick. GTX 240 is the card to get. Much faster than HD 5450/6450.that was quick...thanks but will the physX thing work later on or is it another gimmick?
and is that faster than hybrid 5450 and 4290?