See u should understand the REVIEWS in here and in the magazines ,( For.example=> 9800gtxamp is good performance boost like sonic."9800gtxamp = standard9800gtx+"
HD 4850 is value for money and performance .
See there are lot of fake reviews and marketing going on here in this forum . "See EVGA 9800gtxamp" is really good card but u have u analyze something in the "DIGIT MAG" completely 9800gtx+ is competitor for the HD4850 were 9800gtx surely wins in 3D mark 06 the HD 4850.
But STILL TRUSTABLE MAGAZINE IS "DIGIT MAGAZINE" IN INDIA , cause u should check with the price also see when 9800gtxamp is 12800/- and HD 4850 is 9300/-
both are same performance spending 3k on 9800gtx is think

??.so DIGIT MAG always recommend the featured GFX card and quality . still NVIDIA carries the featured GFX card."
In Nvidia SLI of 9800gtxamp work in many games and beats every single card on the planet"
ATI was successfull in the 4XXX series but before that NIVIDIA captured the place for many years.
if u r buying the NewGraphics card or any computer peripherals always check with the USER who is using the same product can assume the exact result of the product.