Palit HD4850 sonic all the way ....i don't know how digit people got zotac 9800gtx at 10.2k or something like that cos its no where available at that price in india ...
also my understanding says 9800gtx is 65 nm chip based card which is costly fabrication process which is why it can't be cheaper than 55nm 9800gtx+ card ...? even in US on newegg and tigerdirect all the 9800gtx model are only available for $200 range ..and zotac 9800 gtx amp is overclocked edition ..which can no way be cheaper than 9800gtx plain ...
long story short its not available at that price ....and even if u find it its not worth it cos even a plain palit beats a 9800gtx quite conviencingly most of the times a palit HD4850 sonic clocked @685 MHz ..outperforms 9800 gtx ..and it will beat all the 9800 gtx+ variations ...and its just available for 10975/- @ itwares ..unlike 9800 gtx+ SC(which is much better card even from 9800 AMP !! ) @ 14k ..
just check this review of Palit 4850 sonic ...
buying any other card in this category IMO is waste of money