Re: All Graphics Cards related queries here.
Hey guys I'm currently looking to upgrade my GPU and monitor. I'm thinking about ATI HD 4850 and BenQ HD 2200.

Since I'll be gaming on HD(11920×1080) I need to know if the card is sufficient to play games at that resolution with high setting for next couple of years(2-3). Any suggestions for a PSU? one more thing currently I have c2d e4400 will it bottleneck my GPU?
wonderful ..benq HD 2200 looks good ...since its gives the advantage of full HD @about 13k ..and yes HD4850 will serve u well with those resolution with most of the games present today...... it lets u play them @full HD resolution with eye candies ..and thats what makes it a better product than 98xx seris cos it scales very good and doesn't suffer huge frame rate drops as other cards in this price range does will go good for about at least 1.5 years to 2 years ...that has been the typical lifetime of a card in the industry ..unless nVidia comes up with a faster video card and place it in right price range...HD4850 is here to stay ....
also world over HD4850/4870 is huge success ..since they were sold in huge numbers guess coming games will be more optimised for HD 4850/4870 ...
but its my guess ..
go for corsair Vx450W u can get for that price range...
bottleneck will be for the games that depends on CPU ..for example ..with a better CPU u can extract more FPS out of crysis and other games depended on CPU ..for most other games they are getting heavily GPU dependent so those game will not be a bottleneck ...
bottleneck depends on games actually ...for example race driver grid's recommonded configuration is C2D 2.66 GHz ..but thats the highest recommended config i have seen ...if u feel ur CPU is a bottleneck u can always overclock ...E4400 safely upto 2.8 GHz ..and pushing it further can take u upto 3.2GHz ....but yes 2.6 to 2.8 GHz shouldn't be a problem with E4400 no need to worry about CPU bottleneck ...
overclock of E4400
Well.......I saw a review on some site which said 9800GT is only 11-13% slower then HD4850 and if u OC it then it will match HD4850's performance.
going by ur logic ..HD4870/GTX260 is only 10 ~15 % faster than HD4850 in some games overclocking a HD4850 will perform almost equal to gtx260 or HD4870 ...?? in few games overclocked HD4850 can match gtx280 ...??? (since in few games the difference of FPS is really less between HD4850 and GTX280) which as a matter of fact happens with overclocked HD4850 ..its reaches near gtx280 ..and i have already posted a review from overclocker's club about that .....but i can't mean that overclocked HD4850 = gtx260/gtx280 ....but it certainly means with such a cheap card with overclocking will give u performance equal or in proximity to higher end cards ....and thats what is HD4850's potential ..if that being so ...why bother going for an overclocked version of card which costs more or somewhat same (like 9800gt SC or SSC..they can only try to match HD4850 @ 10k ...but HD4850 with basic overclocking tries to match gtx260/280 at the same same price range) and can somehow manage to give near about equal performance in some games and fails to deliver in other ...???
in lower resolution it may be so ..but as the resolution is increased and AA/AF is applied comes down to RAW power of a particular card and thats where HD4850/4870 shows they are so good at scaling than their counter parts 9800gtx and gtx260 (even gtx260 core 216 doesn't help ..HD4870 1Gb performs again better than core 216 anandtech review)
an overclocked card will perform good no doubt ..but since its old G92 core it can't go beyond a certain limit ...and nVidia knows that thats why they have launched gtx series ....
Hi can anyone suggest best gpu upto 5.5k?
I have ATi HD 3850-5.6k in mind.

Dont tell hd ati always take time to come to india..and wen they will come..doubt they will be less than 5.6k since 4670 better than 3850..
actually they won't take time that was not the case with HD4850 ...and intially though it was priced higher ..but later on cooled down to prices reasonable ..but wait was worth ..i can assure u ...and if u can wait for 1 month of or so u can get HD4670 ...and i can assure u the wait will be worth .......if u buy HD3850 now and month ur friend buy a much better HD4670 ..u will be cursing urself ...