ooo next time i will write a post ......i'll write its not meant for mr. tkin
i m sorry there were none for u !!!
its ur personal view obviously most people around the world doesn't share that spending extra $30 is worth for 5% increase! .
oh now thats something new here i was not aware of ..perhaps new rules should be defined by Mr. tkin here so that all cards can b benchmarked in a fair manner ...
the rule according to mr.Tkin goes --all games either should favour nVidia or ATI only then bechmarking results can be fair !
obviously it shows how much do u know know about CPU's and its working in depth,why shouldn't u go and apply a job at Intel,or some other review site which says 9800gtx+ is out of the world card! ..they can use ur expertise!
i will let it pass just to say even HD4870x2 didn't make it!
everybody knows what generation it is i guess no need to say anything about it !
as i said above u have better expertise than them ...and obviously that was not for u ....for u some great sites need to come down from heaven
after all world in not low on cynics u can also find a friend there ...its not a miracle i guess!
reason for it being not included was this test took 500 hrs ..and that will be about a month ..thats the reason for old catalyst drivers and not including HD4870x2!
clearly shows if one is after picking mistakes wouldn't leave a typo! thats called cynical ...
offcourse those bunch of kids are much respected than u,well by most of the people except cynical friends of urs ...!
same to u !
why should i ever do that ..thats a waste of time...and what do i have to prove to u anyway ...all the people with brain have understood knows where HD4850 belongs and gone quiet seeing ur attitude...moreover "pagal kutte to nahin kata mujhe" that i will do that!
now this is the portion which made me laugh the most among otherwise completely hilarious post!
now really i should say u should have read and seen the review from ur eyes wide open before posting this....
before i start let me laugh out loud!!!! ha ha ha
1st benchmark - tomb raider anniversary (is this really a game to benchmark ??? strange choice ..just shows the level of legitreviews ..)
9800gtx+ --->99.9 FPS
HD4850 ----->120.6 FPS
20 FPS more for HD4850... 20% increase over covoted (according to Mr .Tkin ) 9800gtx+
2nd benchmark - company of heroes
9800gtx+---->41.4 FPS
HD4850--->34.6 FPS
9800gtx+ is ahead by 6.8 FPS
3rd benchmark -world in conflict
9800gtx+ ----->24 FPS
HD4850 ------> 29 FPS
5 FPS less for 9800gtx+
4th becnhmark- S.T.A.L.K.E.R.
9800 gtx+ ---->107.1 FPS
HD4850 ----> 95 FPS
12 FPS more for 9800gtx+
5th bentchmark - BIOSHOCK
9800gtx+ ----->49.33 FPS
HD4850 ------>47.467 FPS
1.863 FPS more for 9800gtx+
6th benchmark - CRYSIS
@1900x1200 -very high
9800gtx+ ------->16.8 FPS
HD4850 -------->15.867 FPS
0.933 FPS more for 9800gtx+
7th benchmark - Call Of Duty 4
9800gtx+---->41.8 FPS
HD4850 ----->43.5 FPS
1.7 FPS less for 9800gtx+
total average FPS for 9800gtx+ in all games = 380.33
total average FPS for HD4850 in all games = 386.034
9800gtx+ is 5.704 total average FPS behind HD4850...
i hope u can calculate the percentage decrease for 9800gtx+
i don't see a 5 % increase here on the review provided by you ...unless i don't know maths or did something wrong here !!!

now in India the price of
HD4850 is 9.25k
9800gtx+ is 12.5k
9800gtx+ being 3.25k more costly than HD4850 gives above performance ...clear winner only in two games company of heroes and stalker out of 7 games ...unless 1.863FPS , 0.9 FPS really mean something to u....i would say thats almost equal cos test system parameters can be variable.
those who have eyes can see it ...who is the real winner
and this is the performance in old games...newer games i don't know what will happen to 9800gtx+
taling about overclocking our own forum member(regenade) has a overclocking result for HD4850 try getting that with ur 9800gtx+
15683 3d mark 06 scores !
copy that !!!
not clearing facts just being motivated by bragging of friends ..its all about ur personal ego!
alas it wasn't for u ...
but to make things clear i will not be again talking over this topic ever again hence it was long so i m sorry to other people who had to see such a long thread!!!!