HD 6850 alone covers 9k, and he wants both GPU and PSU for 9k. No use of getting such high end card w/o a decent PSU.
My choice:
1. ATi
GPU: HD 6770 -- 7k
PSU: FSP SAGAII 500W -- 2.2k
Total --- 9.2k
GPU: GTX 550Ti -- 7.8k
PSU: FSP SAGAII 500W -- 2.2k
Total --- 10k
Both are almost equal but GTX 500Ti performs slightly better than 6770. And the main reason of suggesting GTX 550Ti is because of PHYSX and CUDA support on NVIDIA Cards.
there is no meaning in going with it when we have 6790 at the same price.As a hardcore nvidia fan, my vote goes to 2nd option.
Can a SagaII 500w handle a C2Q and 6790?