Google Sites Launched

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Google released Google Sites, allowing you or a whole team to build websites with documents, photos, presentations and more. This new service, which was spawned from the Google-acquired JotSpot suite, just works with a Google Apps account, though.

If you don’t have a Google Apps account, try signing up for one. If you have one, log-in to your domain management dashboard and click the “Add more services” link, where you can then add Sites.



Chosen of the Omnissiah
Is it also free?? Or we have to pay some additional charges??

If it is free, then I'm going to start this in my Google Apps account for my friends tomorrow......


Chosen of the Omnissiah
Nice info thanks.
I goona use it..!!! :))
Are you having a domain registered by your name???? :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: If not, then how are you going to use it?? :lol:

This is for people who are using Google Apps, I mean using Gmail as the mail service for their Domain (like me)......:D
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