Google+ : Google’s new Social Network


Cyborg Agent
Added you in my TDF circle. One question: Why is DP of your account is upside down!

I named my circle Thinkdigit and put you in that circle. My pic is upside down because I was upside down when I snapped it :).
Now how can I add others in my Thinkdigit circle? I don't know anyones real name, I only know TDF profile names.

BTW, can I add the Thinkdigit circle in a bigger circle named "Tech forums"? How?


The Power of x480
Staff member
^^ Even I have added only the ones who have provided their email ID's here. Or have provided their Google Plus Profile Link.

BTW, can I add the Thinkdigit circle in a bigger circle named "Tech forums"? How?

The feature you are asking for is Sub Circles, and I don't think Google Plus support it yet.


Cyborg Agent
I want to add all my TDF friends in my circle. Can the OP please compile the list of emails of all the People in TDF on google+ please.


Legend Never Ends
I want to add all my TDF friends in my circle. Can the OP please compile the list of emails of all the People in TDF on google+ please.

We have already taken that initiative :wink:
Thread link-


Cyborg Agent
I want a good messaging system on G+ ASAP !!

lol, you dont need it.

when u want to have a private message , just type your message and instead of choosing a circle name , press + and type your friends name.

this is now between YOU and HIM.

I know I am going offtopic here but how many TDF members are on twitter :)

I AM...i <3 rules


Living to Play
Just joined Google+. I can say by the looks that its better than Facebook but the profile is not good for me. I love my Facebook profile. :))


Human Spambot
Yesterday somebody got added to my circle....and i even don't know that person....has anyone faced this issue....
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