Please, Crysis?? Forget about it. You can get 5-7 fps average with 800x600 everything low IF you have 2.4GHz Core 2 Duo desktop with G965. On your laptop with slower CPU and GPU, you'll average 3-4. Granted, even the fastest graphics cards don't run it amazingly well.can my system run crysis,prostreet,COD?
Call of Duty=1st one yes, 2nd one mostly on low settings, 4th one, probably not
Probably not true. Check the previous thread postings and users have reported to have run CoD 4 quite well.
It can, but it has compatibility issues. I heard its big enough not worth playing, which isn't too much different from really slow.
What type of compatibility issues? The first post of this thread says "Call Of Duty 4: Modern Warfare Demo [@800 with mid to high with some eye candy on]".
on XP, yes it gives that "DX error", but on vista it runs at 15-20fps @800 resln. (on my pc - c2d e4500, 1 GB 800Mhz RAM, 965wh)Well, it will pop DX related windows when you try to play. I guess it'll be playable in safe mode, but higher settings and resolutions greater than 800x600 will crash it. Otherwise its ok I guess.
on XP, yes it gives that "DX error", but on vista it runs at 15-20fps @800 resln. (on my pc - c2d e4500, 1 GB 800Mhz RAM, 965wh)
^you dont b'live me?
obviously the gfx settings are set to low. all of them.
i'll upload a video with fps when i get back to home.