Gibbon is still an Ape

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u got one damn choosy machine.

In mine everything works like charm (linux(any distro including bsd), xp,solaris,vista).


The Devil's Advocate
T159 said:
u got one damn choosy machine.

In mine everything works like charm (linux(any distro including bsd), xp,solaris,vista).
trust me my fren who uses linux has seen it with his eyes and said that u and linux arent meant for each other ... he hates that windows on my comp wrks fine and linux doesnt :D


Wire muncher!
Tech_Wiz said:
1. In case of no internet connection there is a big prob in case of Linux. [Any version]. In case of Windows you can just download One Exe or One Zip and its done.
What are you talking about? Software? Drivers? If its software then if you get a Vista-sized Linux DVD it will be fully loaded with everything.. everything you can imagine.

If its drivers for out of the box unsupported hardware then yes, you require Internet connection and you also need to read some documentation. But I don't agree with "in Windows you can just download One exe or One Zip". Even here its just one .tar.gz or .gz or .bz2 or whatever archive. Dependency problem is best handled by GNU/Linux when compared to all OS'.

Tech_Wiz said:
2. In case of Hardware driver installation prob BSOD is preffered thing than Linux Promt for average user.
Haf a look at these boot up errors:

Windows BSOD said:
Stop 0x0000000A or IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL

and this:
Linux DMesg Error said:
ERROR: (device sd(8,17)): diRead: i_ino != di_number
jfs_lookup: iget returned bad inode, inum = 192755
nfsd: last server has exited
nfsd: unexporting all filesystems
jfs_mount: Mount Failure: File System Dirty.
Mount JFS Failure: -22
Which one would you prefer?

Tech_Wiz said:
But its still pain when it comes to resolving issues.
I agree to some extent to this statement. However I'd fully agree to this: But its still a pain when it comes to resolving issues concerning "unsupported hardware"

Tech_Wiz said:
But in case of CD based Installers which generally lack multimedia capability its hard for any user which has no net connection.
Like I said earlier, its unfair to compare a 700mb install to a 2.53gb install. Someone needs to try distros like Freespire, PCLinux OS CD versions. They come with everything. Even codecs like XVid or DivX which are NOT included with any version of Windows (for which the user WILL need an Internet connection), are bundled with these distros.

My point was that there are something which are not comparable across OS. MP3 support simply can't be bundled due to licensing issues. This has BEEN SAID A THOUSAND TIMES SUPPLEMENTED WITH REASONS. Nobody can say Windows sux coz it doesn't bundle DivX or Quicktime/Real Media support out of the box! I've had loads of issues playing RealMedia files on a newly installed bare Windows system.

gx_saurav said:
Unlike Admin password which won't let the user do anything if he doesn't know it
This is THE reason why Unix like systems are secure

gx_saurav said:
UAC informs that something fishy is going arround & if the user wants he can perform that action. So in a manner the concept of UAS is better. It tells the user what the situation & then he decides what to do.
This is the THE reason why Windows is INSECURE. How many times does the UAC pop up? Everytime you move your mouse?? :D :D How many users do you really think bother to READ what the UAC suggests? Esp. after seeing the UAC every second?

gx_saurav said:
I m talking about something like Safe mode in Windows. Is recovery mode a full GUI mode like Safe mode?
You can choose to boot into recovery mode CLI or choose to boot into GUI with minimal services (safe mode akin) loaded.

Because a lot of problems arise due to incompatible grafix drivers it makes NO sense to boot into Recovery mode GUI by default as it would be useless in such cases. You always haf the option to do so when PC boots into recovery mode.

Again circumstances are different in Windows and GNU/Linux. Some things are NOT comparable.

gx_saurav said:
Just cos u forgot, i would like to mention that Windows Vista already comes with 40k inbuilt drivers & 50k more on Windows Update. So yeah, he didn't need to install drivers for his motherboard etc on a default vista installation either.
Lets talk about motherboard chipset drivers, sound drivers, most of the gfx drivers (predominantly nVidia cards). How many did he install?

Do you think someone with an nVidia card sticks to the default driver provided by Windows? Do you anyone wid an nVidia or ATi card NOT installing Forceware or Catalyst drivers? Just find me ONE person who works on these default drivers.

In the same way has the default VESA driver (and drivers for most nVidia cards and older gfx cards bundled). If you are not satisfied with it (which 95% people are), then you can install custom drivers.

Again the whole point of my post is that there are somethings which are NOT comparable across OS.

When someone posts a review it should NOT be a bit by bit comparison. Then its NOT called as a review.

The reason why people DO NOT appreciate Free (and/or Open source) Software is BECAUSE THEY GET ALL THE PAID SOFTWARE FOR FREE! The day stringint anti-piracy rules are implemented things WILL drastically change.


Staff member
iMav said:
trust me my fren who uses linux has seen it with his eyes and said that u and linux arent meant for each other ... he hates that windows on my comp wrks fine and linux doesnt :D
Moral of the story: iMav and linux are not meant for each other.

So stick with windows and dont waste ur time troubleshooting ubuntu:)

you may not find it comfortable to read documentations and installing software without EULA.


The Devil's Advocate
infra_red_dude said:
Do you think someone with an nVidia card sticks to the default driver provided by Windows? Do you anyone wid an nVidia or ATi card NOT installing Forceware or Catalyst drivers? Just find me ONE person who works on these default drivers.
installing a driver on windows is anyday easeier than on linux yaar ;)
infra_red_dude said:
When someone posts a review it should NOT be a bit by bit comparison. Then its NOT called as a review.
u r saying this coz most of the posts it has been compared to windows and it is difficult to compete with some 1 that above numero uno ;) and wenever vista is reviewed or any tech is reviewed there always is a reference or a benchmark that is used to compare it ;)
The reason why people DO NOT appreciate Free (and/or Open source) Software is BECAUSE THEY GET ALL THE PAID SOFTWARE FOR FREE! The day stringint anti-piracy rules are implemented things WILL drastically change.
might be true might not be true .... but i dont think windows is where it is because of piracy :rolleyes:

and yeah me and linux are not compatible so is me and my 'new friend' but im making efforts :D


Wise Old Owl
As far as installing softwares is concerned I had no probs with Debian. [.deb always worked like Charm and never gave any error] but go to rpm or urpmi and bam dependancy is one crazy **** to deal with.

Lets face it Fact is its a lot easier to update drivers / programs on Windows as to a Linux box on stand alone PCs.

One reason being Linux has so many flavours its a real pain for any Hardware mfger to give drivers to all.

Its not just MP3. .dat and .mp* formats have given me troubles as well.

I am not against Linux use. I still use Linux [Mandriva 2008 Current] and try to learn more and more because I am always been a supporter for FREE Softwares.

Its just that Linux is still to make a fare amount of ground to compete with Vista / XP as a total solution for "Average User"


The Devil's Advocate
Tech_Wiz said:
Its just that Linux is still to make a fare amount of ground to compete with Vista / XP as a total solution for "Average User"
another mis-conception and FUD tht if u use windows ur average ... the OS is meant to do what u want easily; simply and quickly it is there to make ur job of computing easier and not making u dwnld packages; type codes to make it work ;) using windows doesnt make u less privilegd or less knwledged abt computers :confused: so y this average crap .... its simple to use quicker to use and wokrs if used with legit sources .... use pirated stuff; cracked anti-viral progs and then blame windows :lol: great ;)

nothing against linux but itstill isnt up there against windows - gutsy gibbon is what ms shud fear what crap .... gutsy is still an ape - figuratively and literally (gibbon means ape like creature)


Unmountable Boot Volume
I have a doubt, @Imav and @gx, do you guys live together in the same house or something? Coz first @Imav says lets wait for @gx to comment, then @gx comes along and tells that @Imav didn't have to install any drivers before @Imav himselfs answers the question directed at him?? I'm a little confused, why you both covering each other's as**s?

It's better to just let the person whom the question has been directed to be answering and also, if you write something called a review, it's always better to defend your own words rather than wait for someone else to come and defend you on your behalf.

@Imav, I think the days Strict anti-piracy measures come in and when you'll be forced to pay up for the pirated XP that you're using now, then I guess ,you will be able to put things in better perspective and I still remind you again of the fact that you haven't spent enough time trying to prove your point with a credible review.

At the same time, here's something to laugh off any tension. PC v/s MAC series, Windows security: *
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Wire muncher!
iMav said:
installing a driver on windows is anyday easeier than on linux yaar ;)
I fully agree with this. Installation of a driver in windows is easier than in Linux. But I'm talking of situation on Linux when you DON'T hafta install ANY drivers on Linux for most of your hardware.

iMav said:
u r saying this coz most of the posts it has been compared to windows and it is difficult to compete with some 1 that above numero uno ;) and wenever vista is reviewed or any tech is reviewed there always is a reference or a benchmark that is used to compare it ;)
You don't get the point, do you? I'm saying there CANNOT be a bit by bit comparison. You can't say Pulsar is a better bike than Bullet Electra jus coz the gear shift pedal is on the right side as compared to Puslar (which has it on the left side). Things are done differently for different entities. Pulsar is the most sold 150cc+ bike. Does that make Bullet Thunderbird Electra a loser?

iMav said:
might be true might not be true .... but i dont think windows is where it is because of piracy :rolleyes:
I fully am for it. But then its just my opinion. The day "Free Windows" is stopped is going to a historical one. People will then realise the real worth of Free (and/or open source) software. When it'll be difficult to pirate Photoshop 99.99% people will shift to GIMP. When it'll be impossible to pirate MS Office people the go Openoffice/Lotus Symphony way. This is something I can bet on... for sure.. today.. tomorrow and till the universe exists!!!

iMav said:
and yeah me and linux are not compatible so is me and my 'new friend' but im making efforts :D
Then why all this hue and cry regarding the review? :)


The Devil's Advocate
ok now ubuntu pe net band hogaya i dont know y i typed a reply but the page wasnt loading as a matter fact no page was loading came to windows and its loading .... ab kya bolun main :lol:

Cyrus_the_virus said:
I have a doubt, @Imav and @gx, do you guys live together in the same house or something? Coz first @Imav says lets wait for @gx to comment, then @gx comes along and tells that @Imav didn't have to install any drivers before @Imav himselfs answers the question directed at him?? I'm a little confused, why you both covering each other's as**s?
kyon bey ... only OSS members can have a their communtiy :rolleyes:
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The Devil's Advocate
vish786 said:
:lol:... its husband & wife relation, wife waits for husband to come & viceversa. Each covering others a$$ :D.
dude trust me u dont want me to get down to that level of comments ;) dont make such comments coz it messes up the thread ;) argue but dont make such comments ;)


The Devil's Advocate
vish786 said:
arre yaar just having fun... aint we suppose to have fun in this forum ? :(
thats what i said call names and all that is fun that was the reason i requested and begged grudgy to put this is in the fight club so that it doesnt get locked but such comments would offend others if made towards them (i took it as a joke but some 1 else wont) u made it once some else will make it again ;) so its better to keep away from such comments even in fight club ;)

peace :)


in search of myself
iMav said:
2. Internet Conx is a Must: If u dont have a net conx u can pretty much do nothing on ur box - no plugins no video no music which i really find funny considering the fact that people have labelled this as the Vista killer OS, u need to download so many libraries; dependencies so much just to make sure that it works
remove this from your first post. This equation is not true for digitforum members

iMav said:
ya rite play mp3s for me on a new installed ubuntu without net conx to dwnld codecs :rolleyes:

Answer to your question lies here
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The Devil's Advocate
apt-on-cd mere bhai i know abt apt-on-cd (courtesy and thanks to qwerty) but whr do i get apt-on-cd backup ... :? .... ud k aayega kya mere pass ... ubuntu is not sending aptoncd along with their cds :lol: some 1 has to dwnld them and build an iso and then send that iso or dwnld that iso .... around me thrs no 1 who uses linux (only 1 guy who uses slax) where do i get ur aptoncd ....

and cadcrazy internet conx is a must .... ;) iv dwnlding packages & softwares for the past 3 days


Wire muncher!
Obviously, if you don't haf a net connection then apt-on-cd is useless for you. And if you haf a net connection then you can download the small apt-on-cd installation file (in kilobytes) and install! :)

Tho, I'd prefer it to be a part of every debian based install.
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