Captain price did not die!!!
Report dumb bi*** for fake news!!
Captain price did not die!!!
Report dumb bi*** for fake news!!
Captain price did not die!!!
Report dumb bi*** for fake news!!
female gamers in india almost non-existent ..........
in our college there are also some gaming tournaments
In my Office there are annual tournaments - having cricket, carrom, PC games (CS, NFS), Housie etc
Had a good laugh at how the girls were playing NFS, with both the hands on arrow keys, slamming the car left and right
told you man almost non-existent .......... when logitech f2p happened here at bangalore only 1 female player was there (atleast i think she was a player not some one's gf).............
If that is true, then think how much s#!t he had to take from her later.
'I went to that stupid gaming event now take me to multiplex so we can watch a crappy bollywood love story'
Don't know whether gamers are social are not, but this idiocy is not at all needed.Captain price did not die!!!
Report dumb bi*** for fake news!!