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Long Live Gojira!
I like ye, Sun. From the time I joined the forum.

BTW, yeah, as vamsi said, Borderlands awesome! I don't why I uninstalled it :???:. Anyway, MW2's out o' this world! Both SP and MP are superb! Now I have too many games that I can't finish fast. Every game is big, not MW2 though. Some of MW2's super-awesome screens.



Awesome graphics!



Just awesome!

quan chi

mortal kombat
just started dead enemies looks quite a bit like re4 ones.:D

but i hate this kind of third person camera angle.the charecter just remains on side not on centre.


Hugging with the enemy.:-D



Human Spambot
^ great game.. I played it and was completely carried away. The weapons are unique and menu system, HUD are instances for utter creativity.

About the camera angle.. The angle is created to give the player a clear view and the TPS view is for cinematic presentation. Look at the above pictures and imagine if the player is right in the middle of the screen..It will not be this great(according to me:wink:)


Long Live Gojira!
Quan, post some more Necromorphs. I need to see 'em. BTW, MW2's too good. Now I have too many games that I can't finish soon. Darn! The Saboteur, MW2 SP & Borderlands which is a long game, ainnit? Please tell me some great games that I must buy in the next 3-4 months. Please.

quan chi

mortal kombat
^ great game.. I played it and was completely carried away. The weapons are unique and menu system, HUD are instances for utter creativity.

About the camera angle.. The angle is created to give the player a clear view and the TPS view is for cinematic presentation. Look at the above pictures and imagine if the player is right in the middle of the screen..It will not be this great(according to me:wink:)

i have heard a lot about it thats why i started it.:D

Quan, post some more Necromorphs. I need to see 'em. BTW, MW2's too good. Now I have too many games that I can't finish soon. Darn! The Saboteur, MW2 SP & Borderlands which is a long game, ainnit? Please tell me some great games that I must buy in the next 3-4 months. Please.

ok will try to. geek it is not for you it has more gore beyond your acceptance.:D


anyways finished half life2 episode1.amazing game and unique one too i really liked does not have any cutscenes and you wont feel needing one also.the interaction and the story are good too.

valve and gordon freeman rocks! :D


Long Live Gojira!
^No probs. with screens of utter gore. But when I play, It makes me think "The Phuc ye playin' that game?". Can't wait for NFS 2010! And Crysis 2! EA!!!

quan chi

mortal kombat
beating the enemies is really satisfying in it lol.:D the melee attack is awesome.

i havent encountered anything scary that much yeah the enemies pop up suddenly nothing more till now.but as i have told melee here rocks.


Human Spambot
If you are expecting for scariness by enemies appearance.. no you won't find it. Scariness will come from sounds, objects, running outta ammo, oxygen, health, etc. Pretty much the way RE kicks the things.

If you really want scariness.. Pitch up the sound(wearing a quality headphones is recommended) turn off all the lights in the room and play it when you are alone in the home. I played it that way and milked a lot.

Krazzy Warrior

"Aal Izz Well"
If you really want scariness.. Pitch up the sound(wearing a quality headphones is recommended) turn off all the lights in the room and play it when you are alone in the home. I played it that way and milked a lot.
:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: lol! kitne pagal log bhi hote hai duniya mein! I'll give Dead Space a try... :)


Super Moderator
Staff member
Retrieved GECK from vault 87 with the help of Fawkes but I killed all those muties before releasing Fawkes to gain XP points :p

Got captured by the enclave soldiers but got out from their after talking to the enclave super robot resident and saw that those bot robotos are protecting me :p

After I got out from Raven Rock there was a big surprise - Fawkes was waiting for me and desired to team up with me :p


Human Spambot
:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: lol! kitne pagal log bhi hote hai duniya mein! I'll give Dead Space a try... :)

You have to play some games like that.. FEAR is also one of these kind.

I call that milking.. The game will give you 50% of Fear factor when you play like that.. Why not make it 90% buy pitching the volume up and turning the lights off!


Long Live Gojira!
^Sometimes I find it "yuck!" rather than scary. Those Necromorphs look like sh*t. Zombies scare me more. Their way o' walkin' and their sounds make me crap.

Sh*t! Splinter Cell: Conviction has been postponed to April 2010! :evil: Goddarn Ubi! Why the Phuc are ye postponin' it from 2007? When will ye release it? For Phuc's sake don't postpone ACII PC.
What is the level of Sledge? Tell me.. If it is too high.. then I will do some bounty mission and gain some level.
I suppose you've already killed Sledge by now, anyway his level is 18.

---------- Post added at 09:47 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:45 AM ----------

@quan_chi:- Looks like you've seen your last sunrise for a long time. Dead space is awesome horror.


Human Spambot
^Sometimes I find it "yuck!" rather than scary. Those Necromorphs look like sh*t. Zombies scare me more. Their way o' walkin' and their sounds make me crap.

Sh*t! Splinter Cell: Conviction has been postponed to April 2010! :evil: Goddarn Ubi! Why the Phuc are ye postponin' it from 2007? When will ye release it? For Phuc's sake don't postpone ACII PC.

Ya.. I am talking about Horror.. You are talking about gore.

Gore will take you to nothing except you are a weak heart..

But horror will take you to..



Human Spambot
I didn't heard about it from any one. I saw some where in the internet mentioning that Secrets of Monkey Island(1990) is one of the classics. After googling few seconds about it.. I happen to know that actually there is a modified version of the game released.And so I played it.

Any one played the Original one? I mean Monkey Island that came out in 1990.
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