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Deleted member 26636

@tarey - Zpam!? Makin' fonts bigger and bolder in my post, a Zpam?

@tkin - Ze screens are great but good zhin' I didn't buy or "buy" zhat game. What 'bout zhe fpz improvementz in 180.xx and 190.xx driverz? Iz it juzt a gimmick or iz it gonna improve ze fpz?

Are zere any ghoulz in Borderlandz? 'Cauze I love killin' 'em! No more zcarez, eh. Gotta inztall Fallout 3. Awezome game. "ROACH"!! Newz on CoD7? Darn! Earth'z zpinnin' too fazt, Nov.'z here! When am I gonna play AC, Cryziz & BiA: HH? Again?


Zhis Zucks....ROACH = Cockroach...:x:-D


Hanging, since 2004..
^^ btw, You want to join for some L4D multiplayer. I have not yet played the game and want to play with 4 players in co-op mode as it is supposed to be played. Searching for some good committed gamers to join in the co-op action :D.

After dinner sessions only :p


Aspiring Novelist
^^ btw, You want to join for some L4D multiplayer. I have not yet played the game and want to play with 4 players in co-op mode as it is supposed to be played. Searching for some good committed gamers to join in the co-op action :D.

After dinner sessions only :p
Do you want to try it using Hamachi? I'd install the client again and the game too perhaps. Tomorrow would be a good option, as I have a weekly off at my job.


Long Live Gojira!
What a waste :-| . Never mind.. continue your display of decency. Seems like I am the only one who is irritated. :|

So a decent grown-up boy or "man" should write like this, eh? "I can't wait for MW2!"? So less emotions? Darn!

You have no freakin' idea how tempted I am to flame the hell out of him, but makes no sense as it would all go unheeded.

Why the hell are ye holdin' your flames on me? Throw it! I'm much appreciated.

No way in hell "Roach"'s a cockroach :D. I'll show my "happiness" of MW2 in official MW2 forum, maybe they like it! This ain't the forum for showin' craziness. Yeah, temporary irritation's good :)). "ROACH"!!


Aspiring Novelist
Why the hell are ye holdin' your flames on me? Throw it! I'm much appreciated.

No way in hell "Roach"'s a cockroach :D. I'll show my "happiness" of MW2 in official MW2 forum, maybe they like it! This ain't the forum for showin' craziness. Yeah, temporary irritation's good :)). "ROACH"!!
Let me know if you're serious enough to listen to it and I promise you won't regret it.


Hanging, since 2004..
Can I join in?

Certainly, now we are already three. One more needed .

We will play on hardest difficulty, my friend told me that it was awesome fun when he played it with 3 of his friends on difficult mode :D.

@Allwyn, ye we will hamachi. If any of you friend is interested we can start tomorrow. or day after.

quan chi

mortal kombat
^^ btw, You want to join for some L4D multiplayer. I have not yet played the game and want to play with 4 players in co-op mode as it is supposed to be played. Searching for some good committed gamers to join in the co-op action :D.

After dinner sessions only :p

i might be interested.but please tell me how to join using hamachi.

as i have never used hamchi before.


Human Spambot
^ dude. Please keep quite. You will not stand a chance if all members will start firing on you. You will yell Darn Ezio!! Phuc Nomad!!! Ditch Soap Mac Tavish!!!!

So, please keep quite.. if you want to tell damn.. pronounce it as damn.. if you want to tell fcuk type fu-k. I think you know all these pretty well than me. And remove all the awkward spells :grin:

Allwyn is the senior most member of our gaming community. He is not a person who throws his mouth at others with out reason. If you are making a secret agent man to become an assault agent man. Understand the disturbance you have created to him.

@Allwyn bhai, Please go easy on the kid. He is just a kid. Don't fire on him.


Hanging, since 2004..
i might be interested.but please tell me how to join using hamachi.

as i have never used hamchi before.

Last time i used hamachi was 3 years back :D , don't remember much but it surely isn't rocket science :p . Please PM me your yahoo ID's

I have Sunny in my yahoo list, Allwyn too may be.

@Ezio_Nomad -> Ignore.


Aspiring Novelist
@Ethan - Yo! I'm ready! Come on!!
Alright buddy, here goes nothing. I'll put all my tenure aside out here for a minute and just speak for myselfas a general forum member.

Geek, I don't know how old you are and what your prior forum posting experience is, but all I do know is that all your silly ass comments are really beginning to get on my nerves. I don't want to report your posts, as I see a good gamer potential in you. If I'm able to understand you correctly, you say that you're passionate about 'A' particular game and fancy it's 'A' particular character and you feel the need to voice it, correct? Well do so by all means. No one would stop you. We all like certain gaming characters and some even find them inspirational in some way. But do you see everyone of them making a hue and cry about it?

I have practically lost count of the times when you have actually posted "EZIO, NOMAD, RAY, RAY'S DONKEY, RAY'S TOOTH PICK......" yada yada yada. The list goes on. Don't you find that silly? Think about it for a minute and think real hard. I could expect this from a kid who was born yesterday and had started posting such comments after watching his favourite cartoon, like say, He-Man. But I assume, you're much matured than that.

Trust me, this forum has provided you with so much freedom that you can't even imagine. If you go off to some other sites, people looking at this insane posts of yours would either place a ban hammer on you (thinking you're a spammer/psycho) OR ignore you till kingdom come. People out here have been so tolerant with your behaviour that you have some joining in your craziness, not that it's bad though. Don't you think you should draw a line somewhere and start some normal discussion about the game? If you play the game & post it's screenshots why not discuss about it? Getting excited, I understand, but getting overexcited is something which is really agitating other members too.

I believe I have always answered your queries about "How is this game Ethan?" "How are the graphics?" etc. I have no issues with you asking queries, but try and play that game and discuss about it. Did you like it? Would you recommend it to others? If yes, then why? Look at quan_chi, I genuinely find him to be a really good member out here along with the rest. I cannot remember how many of his PM's I have answered. He requests for a game recommendation and not only buys that game and plays it, he adds his opinions later on and asks queries related to it.

I'll let you reflect on this NVIDIAGeek and get back to me in a mature way as to why exactly you react that way and do you plan doing something valuable rather than spreading such senseless posts? I would really like to have a direct conversation with you and don't even think of pulling a one liner to this post of mine. I know you can speak up, so here's your chance!

vamsi_krishna said:
So, please keep quite.. if you want to tell damn.. pronounce it as damn.. if you want to tell fcuk type fu-k. I think you know all these pretty well than me. And remove all the awkward spells

Allwyn is the senior most member of our gaming community. He is not a person who throws his mouth at others with out reason. If you are making a secret agent man to become an assault agent man. Understand the disturbance you have created to him.

@Allwyn bhai, Please go easy on the kid. He is just a kid. Don't fire on him.
You got me all wrong Vamsi. I have a high patience level and have resisted retaliating. When I said I wanted to flame him, I wasn't really going to "flame him". It's something which I don't engage into these days. Don't ask him to be quiet, I want to hear his share of opinions too. He isn't a kid, I'm pretty sure of it, he just acts like one, that's all. Plus me being senior has nothing to do with it. I am just a regular member out here like the rest of you. You guys keep this forum alive and that is what keeps me coming back to this place.

tarey_g said:
Last time i used hamachi was 3 years back , don't remember much but it surely isn't rocket science . Please PM me your yahoo ID's

I have Sunny in my yahoo list, Allwyn too may be.
It isn't that difficult to use. Just make sure you have the latest patch for the game i.e. V10.1.3. I'll set everything up tomorrow morning and let's see how it works out. I'll PM you my ID.

quan chi

mortal kombat
^^dude have you gone crazy with him.....yawnnnnn.....such a waste of words....leave it i tried to make him understand many times in my previous posts.but he didnt heed my advice.
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