Why da faq danerys has such a long name , brekaers of chains...first of this and that,....it takes like forever to introduce her.....dayum. Takes so much precious time.

, she was getting way too boring but then in the last show they did justice to her role.
Anyways , so the last episode was simply awesome. Not mindblowing like the viper and mountain , neither a killer one like the previous episode but was still awesome.
This one was a very good mixture of everything., but felt kind of tightly packed. I would say they tried to cram everything into one episode .
It would have done more justice had they dedicated one more spisode , but they made it quick instead. I really didn't like the justice done to what was depicted as the story changer in North. That deserves an entire episode.
Also most of us know whats going to happen in next season and the one after it.
But we really don't know what that beard neck has planned in ahead. The way he had titled it , I am sure The Stark Kid is going to do wonder with the Wolves. But we really don't know yet since he changed the titles , maybe he'll change his minds too......
Who will rule the Iron throne is a million dollar question.............wild guesses and logic most welcome.
Mine goes to Sansa Stark , or rather I would say the Stark family reunited.
But I would love to see an epic battle between Starks vs Targaeryns vs Lannisters alonwith Baratheons.....it would really be an epic battle b/w fan following.
Btw I really liked the last few minutes from it , specially when it was said ......"Valar Morghulis".
BTW , I am just wondering if ICO will ban us for bumping this year old thread in near future.
On a side note please do not crib about any spoilers from the show. There was none in my post.